It was just like a scene out of Antonioni's Blow Up.
I was developing prints in the dark room when I blew up this shot of Mr Mort on the ol' Beseler. Look at Mordechai's left hand. See it? In his left palm is a crumpled Dunkin Donut's bag.
This seemingly innocent paper bag provides a stable brace reducing camera shake resulting in those ultra razor-sharp pictures Mr Mort is famous for. It also smells like a Cruller giving the hip blogger that transcendental state he's also famous for.
Blow Up! See any bodies back there? That,s cool, though, never heard of that shooting technique. Sometimes I use a long stout cord tied to a tripod screw attached to the camera's underside. I step on the cord to create a kind of unipod. It sort of works. Man, crullers! You get a "two-fer" that way.
But Beseler? Still? Or maybe a Beseler app?
I don't know why, but I've always liked pictures of people taking pictures.
DB- Beseler rules but my Gray Lab timer is on the fritz. Got a spare?
brohammas- Actually, Mr Mort is taking a picture of another photographer. This guy:
rocking the ll bean barn jacket. he is a hilarious dude.
Foster- Check out Ryan's photography on the web site I mention. Great stuff.
its das nicht Robert E. Bryan im hintergrund...?
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