Michael Williams from the cash inhaling blog (I mean that in a good way), A Continuous Lean, joined the Foxtrot and I for dinner and a viewing of, Jazz On A Summer's Day. Cocktail hour screamed for Dark and Stormies, which I assume - one - is the caloric equivalent of a Whopper with cheese. Which explains why I look like Jabba the Hut (or is it Pizza the Hut?). He authored a very flattering post about the evening's menu and our friendship here.
Ah, Barrit's/Gosling's Dark and Stormies taste especially good while lounging at The Reefs in Bermuda.
as they say here in S. Texas, "good stuff Amigo". I don't think that the ingredients are available here. We have some good beef patties though.
looks like a smashing evening of cocktails but TERVIS really?? im going to find you some nice George Briard glasses and send you the link.
Mmm, one of my favorite drinks! Had one at the Greenbrier not too long ago. Good times.
sounds like a great recipe for a wonderful evening!
i took the opportunity to view your previous blog post regarding the jazz fest, and i noticed with a pleasant surprise, a posting from an acquaintance of mine from my san francisco days, mr. nick rossi. he is accomplished jazz organist, himself, so praise from him regarding music is not to be taken lightly. and as fate would have it, a new reader of "the trad" made mention of mr. rossi's blog only yesterday; the modernist. highly suggested reading.
Which Ginger Beer do you prefer? I like Reed's...and Gosling's is just OK...Barrit's is damn good.
Martin's are THE priemere potato roll. Bitter Lemon still in the offing by the way...
I see only one fault my friend....you are using sub-par ice. Ice from a home ice maker is full of air and hence melts too quickly.Granted, the thermodynamic advantage of Tervis gear would help...but still must have commerical grade ice...there is no substitute.
The pictures of the burgers made me want to go to Five Guys or the like right away....
Great post.
I hope your trusted bartender used Barrit's Ginger Beer. The others are DFL in my book.
Tintin, we have some really great sauces that are brewed up in Fredricksberg, Tx. I think you would like them. I'm interested in sending you a couple. I'm not affiliated with them and am not looking for publicity. Just think that as friend to friend that you might like them. I need to know where to send them if you have an interest. My email is ldaddington@gmail.com so you could email me with a mailing address. NOT FOR PUBLICATION
Brilliant. I like the plastic motif mugs. Plastic beats glass any day--especially those days when you're stumbling around your kitchen drunk off your arse with mugs full of cocktail in hand.
Tough to get good Ginger Beer in Ohio, but this drink is on my list. Love the Sperry's.
First off I've loved Dark and Stormies since the day my grandfather made me one. For sure one of the best cocktails known to man especially when made with Gosling's products as they should be.
Second where the hell can I find some of those tall plastic glasses?! I been trying to find somewhere online but no such luck. Those things were in every beach home I ever went on the east coast growing up and I want some for my spot in LA. Help a guy out if you can. Cheers guys.
Andrew- They're called Tervis Tumblers. Go here:
Made in the US of A. Tell 'em the Trad sent you.
Thank you so much. Been looking for that forever and literally googled every possible combination of nantucket, yacht club, tumbler, summer drinking cup that you could possibly think of. Thanks again we'll definitely drop the Trad when we order cause our order is gonna be large. Side note we made some Dark N Stormies with The Kraken(great bottle and label design) and Reed's this past weekend which tasted pretty damn good. Anyway keep up the great blogging!
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