I will not quote this scene but be assured I know the line. I was hugely impressed by Animal House and by Otter's wardrobe. I still am. My Anodover isn't quite the pink in the scene with Mrs Wormer but it looks great with a dark grey - almost black - pair of flannels. In today's world it's casual without looking like you work in a gas station.
I'll take a shetland and flannels over a toga any day.
Based on that screenshot, both Otter's and Mrs Wormer's skin is also bright pink.
Eric Stratton was a well turned out Delta brother....
Main Line- I was fond of his Frank Lymon.
Ha! I remember you liking that scene. And getting the sweater later. You convinced me to see the movie in Orange Park instead of catching Eric Roberts in King of the Gypsies. It was your second viewing. I chose wisely.
Now that I'm older I finally find Mrs Wormer hot enough to show a cucumber too. Hell, she's younger in that scene than I am now...by quite a bit!
'Mine is bigger'
I think we need to see a post about Belushi's forest green 'College' sweatshirt
DB- You'll be surprised to learn she was the preacher's wife in High Plains Drifter. I know I was.
KA- The green vs blue College shirt. Huge debate. I understand a blue shirt was only used in stills while the green was the real deal in the film.
The internet is bulging with the details of this film and a very sad story as well.
That movie provided me with the philosophy that guided my collegiate career. When all is falling around you,"ROADTRIP!"
Love this. Otter was such a dapper guy, no wonder he got so much play.
Have you seen the "making of" show about Animal House on the Bio channel? It's awesome.
I will say this though, the beauty of Animal House's style is that it so perfectly made fun of the "Take Ivy" world, but in a totally unconscious, effortless way. It's lightly done, which makes it all the more appealing.
Otter's pink sweater. -Holy Smokes, that's spot on.
I love that movie. I'd not seen it when I went to college and I met so many HILARIOUS fraternity guys that just made me laugh and laugh. Then I discovered that they were all lines from Animal House. So disappointing, but I married him anyway.
Tin: Frank Lymon as in "the Teenagers? As in Frankie Lymon? I sheepishly admit I do not get the reference as I do not recall a song in the soundtrack by that extremely talented but doomed little smack addict.
Something to do with what he pulled out of his doctors bag ?
"... the beauty of Animal House's style is that it so perfectly made fun of the "Take Ivy" world, but in a totally unconscious, effortless way."
I've felt this way too. The tone of the Japanese observers in TI was so reverential, when it's apparent that on one level what we're actually seeing is just a bunch of high achieving 20 years olds schlepping around from class to the library in clothes pulled from the laundry basket that morning. It was less than 15 years before TI morphed into AH.
Frank Lymon (from Amherst) was Fawn's boyfriend. You know, the girl killed in the kiln accident. "...and could you get some dates for my friends?"
I think the key to wearing something like that is that you throw it on and it doesn't occur to you that people might look cross-eyed at it. If I tried that, folks would smell the fear on me like sharks smell minnows.
Magnificent, though.
"We're engaged to be engaged"
Cannot believe I missed that reference after the countless times I have seen the movie...and being a big Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers fan.
I was always a little envious of Otter's seduction lounge. Additionally, "You f*cked up! You trusted us!" is one of my most favoured film lines
Tin, I namechecked you in my last outfit post. A YouTube video of the Barima Dance may or may not be forthcoming
All best,
Thank you for inspiring me to watch AH this weekend. It's been a while. I used to use the alias 'Fawn Leibowitz" all the time. Time to drag that gag out of the archives again!
My mother managed the Andover shop in the 60's. i had to wear that stuff everyday. sadly, i still do :)
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