This would have made a nice companion to the post below on the Bastian, Bastin, Bastion post but I blew it. I grew up with GANT. Not because I shopped at an exclusive haberdasher when I was 12. Nope. The Post Exchange (PX) carried GANT. From the time I was born into the army until I ETS'ed from the army at 22.
That name...GANT. It was a quality for those who didn't have Brooks Brothers in El Paso, Lawton, Fayetteville or Colorado Springs. Amazing the places a brand can take you.
I work with an old South Carolina textile guy who brings up Gant a lot. Fondly. High school glory days stories. He still knows what the Homecoming game scores were and the brand of shirt he wore.
Bought some of 'em at some place called Fayette Nam(?).
I bet they didn't carry RL at the PX.
GANT was the only ocbd that could be purchased in my hometown. I had nothing else until Ralph came galloping in many years later.
Yes Sir...from about 7 to 17 Mom bought me Gant shirts....love that ad.
The model looks like Don Draper.
I like the simplicity of the illustration.
This post made me nostalgic for my home; I was born and raised in Lawton, Oklahoma.
Spotted the mysterious glow of a UFO 'bout 2 AM one foggy October night whilst guarding an empty Ft. Sill gun park from a sortie of unseen, but knew they're out there, wily Lawtonian cowpoke saboteurs from the Broken-O. Out of the western horizon it zoomed and lingered menacingly above, 'bout a mile, then faded as it shot straight up. Didn't say nothin', but am ready to reveal all, now. My story's to be cerealised in Vogue Homme. Ooops, one digresses. Bought some GANT Watch Hill Jermyn Street type payyama stripe shirts with double button collars in the PX. I'us sharpe but discombobulated by them space boogers. Than you for your patience.
I remember the vistas of Lawton, with one of my dad's Nike Hawks peeling forever upwards in the twilight sky. Beautiful, tater. Can you still recite your General Orders?
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