Welcome back to the Friday Belt. The Main Line Sportsman took a challenge upon himself back in May to hunt down the elusive Schweppes's Bitter Lemon. I'm pretty sure he had no idea what he was getting himself into but four months later (glad I wasn't thirsty) it has arrived. I wasn't looking so much for free Bitter Lemon as much as I was wondering where to find it. Main Line's liter bottles come from 'Republika Crna Gora' and that ain't gonna help me in NYC.
Main Line likes his Schweppes Bitter Lemon with Mount Gay rum and bitters. I think I invented my favorite: Mix, 2 oz Gin, 1 oz Solerno Blood Orange Liqueur and Fee Brothers Orange Bitters in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake and pour into a martini glass. Top off with Bitter Lemon. I call it a Double Cuff in honor of the British refusing to utter French cuff.
A belt to wear is that French Bridle belt up there. Normally I would abstain from something like this but it's beautiful in that French kind of way and there's only a 42 left. I'll have to cut it down a few inches but it's so out of the ordinary and you never see the damn things - just like Schweppes Bitter Lemon.
Something else you never see here in the states is the French red head, Pascale Rocard. That's from a 25 year old issue of 'M' The Civilized Man. She turned 50 last week. I'd love to have her over for a Double Cuff and talk about her 2006 film Rabbit Fever...but that ain't ever gonna happen. Not that I'm bitter.
The color of that belt just about matches her hair. Nice. The British vs the French: a never-ending source of sardonic wit.
Welcome back Friday Belts. Thank you for the "Rabbit" link, that was a classic.
The belt though French in origin would look fairly fashionitic on an American's hips! Mine in particular reference.I am seeing visions of tweed, cashmere and fallish layers!
The double cuff is a witty sideline.... very diplomatic!
So glad you can quench your thirst and hopefully you are not painfully parched!
Have a sweet (not bitter) weekend!
Heh. No, not bitter at all (about the red head). Quite well adjusted.
So no Mlle. Rocard...could you settle
for Molly Ringwald? That could happen.
I have missed the Friday Belts.
As for Bitter Lemon..I gave up on my search when when the area's largest adult beverage purveyor told me he could no longer get it.
"Mainline Sportsman" strikes me as something of a stuffed shirt DB.
Hurrah for Friday Belts! A fine cocktail for the return trip. And what a lady!
A couple things: First, thanks for the mention and recognition. It was my pleasure...around here I am known as a guy who can get things done and secure things that are sought...both as an Attorney and in other respects.
However, even I cannot score Frank's Cream Soda. Frank's was sold to C&C Cola in 1990. That company determined it could not keep producing a regional line of sodas so they 86'd them....no more Cream Soda. However, there is a Pepsi bottler out of Baltimore still making Frank's Black Cherry Wishniak...(a Phila cult favorite) and the best cherry based soda ever to grace the planet. As a mixer...damn it was good with Vodka...and back in the day the concoction magically could make the skirts of high school girls more susceptible to the forces of gravity at parties along the Main Line.
"Hank's"...a Phila local company...is making a Cream Soda that is readily available and many say is as good if not better.
I actually went to Junior High and High School with some of the Frank kids and they always donated cases and cases of all the Frank's line to dances and picnics..so I swilled my share.
As an aside, Frank's was one of the early Kosher Sodas as they used no corn syrup.
Last, I think your drink recipe sounds outstanding and I will try it immediately...but I will probably use Hendrick's Gin and will have to grab some of the Blood Orange liqueur from one of our dreaded "State Stores"
And yeah...it took a while...but like you ... I am kinda busy...and as they say...good things come to those who wait. Cheers!!...and how is that Broker's Gin...never tried it.
I spent a few weeks in Montenegro (Crna Gora) and I assure you that one would be amazed as to what one can find there.
I wouldn't waste Hendrick's on this, but it does sound quite tasty...Gordon's will do...could one replicate the bitter lemon? I'm going to experiment...wish I had my Grandfather here...
DB- Belt is on the way. I'll let you know.
James- Thanks for checking the link. I hope it was worth it.
La Maison-You caught the double cuffs! I thought it was genius.
Alice- I told you before Olive... I brake for blondes but back up for red heads.
Oyster Guy- Is she still a red head?
David- The Canada is out there so give it a try or book passage to Montenegro.
DB - We're all allowed to be stuffed shirts here. I'll even look the other way when it comes to assholes. 'Cause I am one. But anti - semtic rants, racist tea party wack jobs and people who use the word 'awesome' are no longer welcome.
M Lane- I hope you give a try.
I've only been able to find Hanks Root Beer. I'll keep a lookout for the Cream Soda. I think in the Phila of 1986, Franks was about .99 cents a liter? Brokers is okay but the bottle sings doesn't it?
Anon- I bet.
TRVS- Mix a little sugar with tonic and that'll get you close. Or, try Canada Dry bitter lemon but that's too easy and it taste's like crap.
There's a super cheap gin that rated very high in a Wine Spectator blind tasting in the '90s. Damn, I can't remember the name of it. Pay Pal me $2.00 and maybe it'll come back to me.
Maybe simple syrup and a dash of fresh lemon juice would be better?
Was it Gilbeys? If so, you owe me $2.00.
Maybe simple syrup and a dash of fresh lemon juice would be better?
Was it Gilbeys? If so, you owe me $2.00.
Your blog is AWESOME. -Hey, I looked in the Oxford English Dictionary for alternatives to awesome and couldn't find any. How about 'MASSIVE?'
TRVS- That might work. Gilbeys? Please. Not even close.
Trailer Trad- Only you get away with that word but only once. Fair warning.
TRVS- Keep it under your hat. Barton.
"Stuffed shirt"...???
I am a lot of things but that ain't one of 'em.
It appears it was only initials...never mind.
That is an interesting belt but there is one in my country (Mexico) wich happens to be very little info. about it its called the Ortega belt the buckle is made in silver and the initials could be made of gold the belts is made from pigs skin and its very old i have seen pictures from the fifthies with people wearing the belt and in one book writen by a well known mexican author is mentioned (LAS NIÑAS BIEN by GUADALUPE LOAEZA)In the 80 it was very popular in the upper end classes.
Anon - A mexican belt in pig skin with a silver engaved buckle? You gotta tell me more.
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