Dalyn Montgomery; aka Brohammas, aka artist, aka soda pop creator, aka Mormon Bishop, and most recently, graduate student in University of Pennsylvania's MBA program, recently honored me (and Trad Dad) with a portrait on his new Tumbler that hides all evidence of my over indulgence in life's baser pursuits.
Consequently, it's nice to know if I never drank or smoked -- I would look just like a Mormon. Although I don't think I could ever wear a short sleeve shirt with a tie. Dalyn, on the other hand, really needs to do something about his shoes. Thanks, Bro.
Few points of consideration...
You would in fact wear a short sleeved shirt with a tie if you were in Georgia during the summer and your only mode of transportation was a bicycle.
It's the graduate school of education. I did play rugby for their MBA program but that's another story.
Dalyn... forget it Brohammas is just fine...But you are right about my shoes; and blogs.
Darn. I keep doing that Dylan thing. I think spell check is correcting on its own. I've been all over GA in the Summer and never wore a ss shirt -- but then, I wasn't riding a bicycle either.
Are those Cole Haan's? I'm pretty sure I bought the same shoes at an outlet store in Destin eight years ago. I was so into those Michael Jordan air-soles...
Man, I was dumb.
Brilliant! Will the original be hung in your house? (Signed by the artist, of course.)
Actually, guys, you'd skip the shirt and tie altogether and find a kiddie pool to soak in. Trust me. I know.
Just a set of buckles for Bro's shoes and he would be sporting Pilgrim Shoes....I never understood that square toe thing...
Great image!
I deserved that Mr. Mainline... if you understood my wallet you would understand the shoes. I'm still learning.
Yes they are Cole Haan and yes they were purchased at an outlet.
I was given a gift card.
As for the Georgia heet... me without the shirt in a kiddie pool is indeed scarier than the shoes.
JW- You were. Move on and tell no one.
Alice- Hung in my house? I'm not even going there.
GSV - I'd like to discuss being hung.
Main Line- Me either but then I don't think Alice understands what being hung is all about.
Anon- Dalyn (did I get that right?) did an outstanding job. I hear he's open to commissions and willing to do them in trade for respectable shoes.
Bro - You should let everybody here know your shoe size. I have a feeling there's some major sympathy out there for ya.
lots can be forgiven as a broke grad student.
and GSVj's right about that kiddie pool. we just hit day forty-five of +100-degree weather. it's blissful. or blisterful.
happiness is the bottom of a... wait what was that about being hung?
Given that you can find slightly used shoes for pretty cheap that are better quality than Cole Haan, that's no excuse. ;)
10 1/2.
Those shoes are hideous... Please, take your first real paycheck and buy a pair of shoes.
I think I occupied that cubicle between 1997 and 1998. Either that, or there are a bunch that look exactly the same.
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