The stretch of I-95 between Ft Bragg, NC and St Augustine, FL was about eight hours of the most uninteresting highway-- then and today. Only things missing today are Stuckey's and cheap gas. Whoops. Scratch that Stuckey's comment.
Not as good as it was. Better than it will be.
It could be any lonely, secondary exit along I-95 in the South. Even today. Except, of course for the price per gallon. But what made you take that photo? Art? Documentary? Boredom?
In a way, these are the most honest kinds of photos - ones that don't have an agenda or appeal beyond themselves. And it becomes all the more apparent to you when you suddenly realize you actually took it without really knowing why.
DB- I shot a roll of 36 exp Tri X all the way from Bragg to St. A on my last drive from Ft Bragg. My ETS party was at the Conch House that night but didn't bring a camera. Not sure if that was good or bad.
A buck 5 was expensive in 1980.
Prices rose drastically the previous year. I remember the gas lines in North Jersey in the summer of '79. I also remember a Stuckey's billboard in Texas that announced, "Eat at Stuckey's and get gas!" Maybe it was the Pralines that every store advertised so proudly.
P.S. Can anyone see what Marlboros cost at the gulf station? I remember being in NC in '79 and my buddy bought a carton for $2.90.
It's a heck of a drag certainly. We had a house on the GA shore for a long time so had to schlep down regularly with cats and sundry possessions. Thank god I got rid of it a few years back.
That's a buck 5 for diesel - which would have put gasoline around....$2.00?
Ahhh the old Pecan Shoppe!
Reminds me of how a dear friend from St. Simons Island taught me how to properly pronounce pecan.
That would be pea-con because a peacan is what you keep beside your bed in the winter...
Anywho, gotta get back to work at Nat Lampoon -smile- Jack.
it's bearable if you do about 90 the whole way
fanning springs is nearer to gainesville than 1-95. still worth the stop though.
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