I've always called 'em trunks. Some folks call 'em board shorts. Swim suit? I faintly remember that. Probably the same place I heard sneakers. I thought they were talking about the candy bar. Whatever you call 'em - -O'Connells got 'em. Old new stock. $69.95. If any of these were my size you would not know about 'em.
THANK YOU! B-squared stopped carrying my favourites (no elastic waistbands for anyone over 35 is my credo.) I've ordered some board shorts from J Crew, but they really don't have that grown-up look to them. These will fit the bill and I do hope that my size is in stock.
Breton Red...
I like these (what's the funny clasp in front?), but I'm happy with my Quiksilver and Billabong board shorts. I want to get a pair of floral JAMS and red Birdwells.
I used to see that style of trunks called "Commander Shorts". I suppose it was a reference to the old Navy issued trunks. That is a very trad style, and I think some of the old Apparel Arts pictures show something very similar. I do not have the legs to pull off such short inseams.
Tom Buchanan
I like the ice cream model. It seems sort of perverted.
I love them...they are so "Endless Summer".
Swim suit and sneakers. Must of been back here in Chicago.
I remember the from clasp. Haven't had one with that since the 70's.
...also, these would all go well with the terry cloth beach shirt I want.
When are you getting Ralphie working on that?
So, as the dutiful father I am, I took the children to see Toy Story 3 this week.
I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure, Ken (as in Mr. Barbie) was wearing these with an ascot.
E&E- Hey, baby. What's happening?
Killer trunks, huh. There's ton of 'em for guys like you sporting that 34" waist. Obviously you've managed to avoid baklava. BTW, just saw your review on Amazon. Very nice of you. Thanks.
LBT - That funny clasp makes this trunk. Very pop, pop, popular in the 50s and 60s.
Tom- When I lived in FL it was tough walking the beach. Women were always laughing at me. A buddy told me to put a potato down my trunks and that the women would be singing a different tune. So I did.
Later on I walked up to him and complained women were laughing harder than ever. He told me I was supposed to put the potato down the front of my trunks not the back.
notesandbeats- You need help, my friend.
Belle- I think I saw some potatos in that movie.
David V - Chicago, land of "Come with" and "Where's it at?" Not enough and too many. That clasp the real thing.
About your terry cloth beach shirt. Don't hold your breath.
I like #1 - very appropriate for July 4th.
You're the one putting a potato down your trunks.
I can't come with...I'm going over by them. We're goin' to the show.
they're called trunks in the south...swim suits are what girls wear and board shorts are those long "non trad" things that you can buy at pac sun. I prefer to see a little thigh...
darling if you really swim, not just sit in on your ass farting and drinking beer, than trunks are literally a drag in the water, sweetheart.
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