Check out Longwing's blog now. I swear it looks like a Japanese Trad magazine from 1979. Beautiful photographs that, if you're of a certain age, will cover you in a Hudson Bay blanket of warmth, joy and nostalgia for girls who bit their nails. Longwing has found his calling. Here, I'll even throw in a soundtrack:
Chicks with sticks. Oh, I do remember those days. Thanks for the memory lane trip. I have got to see if my buddy still has his pictures from school, lost mine during a bad relocation move.
Great song! Pretty obscure new wave. And I completely agree with your comment on Longwing's blog: the cigarette is perfect.
Yo tintin, The blog is on overload. Thinking about giving up the day job. Thanks. When does the money start happening?
TWJ- Forward all pics to LWing. He's the new curator.
Scott- I think I still have this album in my storage locker. I always had a thing for preppy girls who smoked Parliments and drank beer.
LWing- Money? You've got to be kidding. Hang onto that job, Rusty Trawler. You'll need it to buy stuff for your blog.
Rusty Trawler! That's why I recognized Longwing's picture! That had really been bugging me. . .
That pic of the girls: so young, yet knowing. Where are they now? Anything like back then? I have an idea: Hot Tub Time Machine!:
"Get ready to party!"
What happened to L-Wings blog???
I dunno. He may have gone to a restricted "Friends Only" option in which case I wouldn't be allowed.
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