I just discovered two things about ADG at Maxminimus. One, he wants to know where I secured these slippers. Here's a clue. I found them in a Boston thrift shop for $3.50
Two, he owns a Saab. Which broke. I assume his Aunt Tootie bought it for him because we all know, those of us who are men (gay or straight), that Saab is the J. Crew of automobiles.
Nah...Saab is so fuddy-duddy and uncool that it's more like the J. Press of automobiles. I should know - I used to drive a 9-5. ;-)
And all this time I thought that Volvo was the J. Crew of automobiles. I must have thought that because I'm not a man, gay or straight.
I figured ADG for a 9-3 kind'a guy. You know, they like the ignition between the seats.
Belle- It's about the disposable (JCrew) nature of Saabs. They don't last very long compared to Volvos which can last for donkey years.
They are discontinuing Saabs very soon, honest!
Boston thrift shops can't be beat.
Which Boston thrift store?
Ohhhh. I drove a SAAB 93 for a long, long time (loved the ignition). And the thing was indestructible.
Now I drive a Volvo which could not make it out of the snowstorm this past weekend. Don't get me started.
Anyway, since I have entered my glam rap stage, it's an all black truck. And I have a sparkly new purple phone. Srsly, I might be going through something.
ADG, you remain my hero. Tintin, I do not want you to wear needlepoint slippers around me, it will cause me to break out, I don't do well with confused gender roles. Same goes for you ADG, the next time you come to Middie, loafers. Thx tons. Kisses to both.
In all fairness to ADG, I have lusted after a 1991 Saab 9-3 Conv Monte Carlo for years. A limited edition in yellow and black and also called a Bumble Bee; it was the classic Saab in my book. Alas, the Echo Xray refused me adding, "I'm not driving a yield sign."
JP - If Giuseppe will tell then I'll tell.
BH- Gender? I don't even know her. They only see use in the house so you're in luck.
1995 Saab 9000... pairs nicely with Bean Boots
A 1991 would be a 900, not a 9-3, and the old 900s will be on the road long after the bastardized GM 9-3 versions with Opel Chassis have been clunkered. Also, the JCrew comparison is actually rather good. You take a solid brand, commoditize it for the masses (like when JCrew went public) and ruin it for the sake of shareholders (well, not in GM's case - that was ruined by union pensioners).
Whew....amazing the energy that needlepoint slippers-Aunt Tootie-J. Crew and Saab elicit.
I've enjoyed 125,000 really fun miles in my 9-3 and will probably buy another one-even as the company goes defunct.
Да уж. По поводу коментариев - навеяла на меня где-то услышанная фраза:
Ведь Россия - страна контрастов: это мы придумали автомат Калашникова и Чебурашку.
noah- I always liked the forest green of the 9-5. Almost black but noticeably green.
Anon- Sorry about that. Yes, the 900. I knew some folks who had issues with the 9-3 but didn't know the 900 was doing so well. Only 300 odd of the yellow were made in '91 with another 300 of that special edition made in grey/silver.
ADG- I'll bet you find some bargains.
Anon (from Russia) Although I worked in Foreign Material Training in the army (teaching US troops how to fight Soviet troops) and I drove a T-55, I never picked up much more than a 'tactical' knowledge of Russian. Google translated your comment as follows,
"Yeah. Regarding the comment - came to me somewhere hear the phrase:
After all, Russia - a country of contrasts: it is we came up with a Kalashnikov rifle and Cheburashka."
I'm still a little confused but understand the diff between an assault rifle (the AKM) and a cute, tumbling little animal. Thank you for the first non-porn foreign language comment I can publish.
ooooh! great blog.
Just found you.
Style for men...
in a concise, fun, not-too-wordy way.
I've been looking for you, The Trad Blog.....
You've got yourself a new follower!
Saab? Volvo? No thanks. They go with wing-tip shoes, sandals or decorated tutti-fruity slip-ons.
Why not a Yugo?
Guy goes into an auto parts store. Says, "How about a fan belt for a Yugo?"
Clerk says, "That's a fair trade."
I'll hang in there with my GMC, 4WD 3/4 ton. During the 2008 "economy crash" it listed for $29,000+. I offered them $8,000 cash on the spot. They accepted it. You gotta' shop around.
Made only one mistake. Truck's taller than I am. Getting in and out of it is a hassle.
Cheers to all! Have a good year.
Stephanie- Thanks. I was just in Buffalo Exchange New Year's eve. Picked up some stuff at Veniero's and popped in for the 1st time. I can't figure out how to leave a comment on your blog but will keep trying.
Shop around. A - men. That ADG's a pretty nice guy he has more tuttu frutti shoes than I do. Wait'll I explain Belgian Loafers to you.
I've driven a 9-5 to 207k miles and am on a 9-3 that's approaching 100k and still in great condition. There are tricks to owning a Saab and keeping your maintenance costs down and longevity high.
ADG, if you do without the removable top, the 2008 9-3 with XWD is amazing. I just conquered Boston to Southern Vermont in a blinding snowstorm without breaking a sweat.
Amazing slippers. I'll be making my monthly Goodwill/Salvation Army/Keezers/FortySouth rounds this weekend and I would love to find some slippers like that!
While I'm not a big fan of what GM did to Saab the 9-5 was an awesome chassis. My 2001 has 207,000 miles on it and all I've ever replaced on is so far are Brakes, Water pump, Timing Belts, and 2 struts. Still drives like a dream. The turbo is still in decent shape which is amazing. Best of all unlike most of my friends audi's and volvo's the heated seats and cruise control still work like the day I got it.
A SAAB isn't BMW which is almost enough in itself.
That said SAAB and Volvo's these days aren't the cars we knew.
Nor are Merc's, but they have the advantage of having been so high above the rest their fall still leaves them on above most.*
* Naturally this excludes that silly 4x4 that was built on your side.
i still get a bit sad when I think of the black 900 w/tan leather interior that slipped through my fingers when a well-meaning father suggested the VW Rabbit convertible was more appropriate for a girl. And he was buying. He still doesn't get me.
Just reading that last sentence warmed my heart. I am a former Saab driver, 1991 Red 900s. With those little windshield wipers on the headlights. It was the party car. One summer, here in TX when it's 108 degrees in the shade, my legs would not quit sweating. I thought it was the hottest summer on record. Well, it wasn't, it was just blonde me driving around with my seat heater on all friggin summer long. *sigh...good memories. I called my car the Roller Skate. Miss that baby. I was that close to getting a personalized plate (hey, this was almost 20 years ago, remember) that said SNAAB.... my dad would't let me. Thanks Dad.
i dont what to say but bravo!well said!
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