I'm sitting here...

Having one of these...
Thinking about how to do this...

and this...

for the Friday Belt.
But I had no idea what to do for a drink. A cocktail is needed. But what'll go with a lighthouse belt? I was stumped. Until this morning. But I'm out of the key ingredients. So, if you don't mind...I'll be back in about an hour.
those cords are pretty hot. How many panels, four I presume?
Isn't that a famous hotel bar with a big Maxfield Parrish behind the counter? Been meaning to go there.
Damn! You know how to start the day right!
That famous bar ostensibly invented a famous cocktail...
Nice mural behind the bar; I like the colors and the style.
Thanks for the eye candy!
Happy Friday...
Certainly one of the best places on earth to have a cocktail. Interesting to think how much it has stayed the same all these years in contrast with, say, BB in your previous post.
I finally realized why I keep coming back to this blog. You manage through a few words, a few pictures to create this little universe of yours so faithfully. You are a classic raconteur. The real hook is that it all looks and sounds so damn interesting it's hard to resist coming back. I get the same vibes from the visuals of old ralph lauren advertisements. They used to give a person a peek in what life could be like. I know you're probably thinking this bloated flattery is a bit much, but just know there are people out there who appreciate your craft.
Ahh... the St. Regis.
The Cole bar....one of my favorite watering holes because while it gets a bit crowded at times it feels like an old time hotel bar.....the blue bar and the regular bar at the Algonquin have the same ambience....wish I was with you.
King Cole Room, ahhh heaven on earth if not filled with Russian gangsters (last stay was in the 90's). The home of the red snapper, but the Martini's are awesome icy cold with little shards of ice floatiing over the top, half expexcting a small Lillian Gish to jump from flow to flow.
Just curious - what do you use for a camera?
Terrific belt!
Ah, perfection would be Mikey Douglas adjacent, addressing you down his proboscis as 'sport'.
DAM - You're right. 4 panel cords from J Crew (the horror) circa 2004 or 2005.
CC- Yes it is.
Kai- Yes I do but not that way.
La Maison- That's eye gin.
ZZ- King Cole is a treat. And it has a chapter in my book. I ran into Billy Joel there. A $500 hooker. A vice cop and an ex-client; all in the same night.
Anon 12:38- Bloated flattery will get you everywhere. Craft is a nice word but is sounds like pottery or basket weaving. Maybe this is just a scrap book where I get the image on line and finally feel ok about throwing the picture and the memory away. Mental and physical housekeeping. Shoot, that's not even a craft - it's a janitorial service.
Anon 13:58 - It's actually my basement bar.
Joe- I loved My Hoy at the Blue Bar. He served me my 1st martini in NY (Fall 1984) and we told each other army lies for hours.
Spalding- Nice images. In the 26 years I've been going to the KC, I've never tried their Bloody. I always associate it with a gin martini. Gonna have to give it a go.
Paul- 2 cameras. A Nikon D70 and a Canon S 90. These were taken with the Canon. Good in low light. I just need some decent software. Photoshop 6.0 is not much fun. Any ideas? Your stuff is amazing.
T - I'd rather talk to that five hundred dollar hooker.
"I always associate it with a gin martini."
.....is there any other?
Joe- No. Although for the sake of my health I wish there was.
I love that bar...isn't it the perfect place to drink a Manhattan?
Tintin - photoediting? - get a Mac, for a blog as great as yours the financial outlay would be entirely justified.
I was stranded in a snowstorm at the St Regis for nearly a week. Still miss it. Damn.
tintin in regards to photo quality, blogspot automatically downgrades the quality of the pictures you upload. To change this, it must be done individually in html. after uploading the image to your post you must go into HTML editing and in the image link there will be this /s400/, in which you must change it to /s800/ which boosts the quality twice fold. It sounds complicated but once you get to doing it, your images start looking how they are suppose to, beautiful.
if you need to find more detailed instructions they're online if you google it.
Anon 21:23 - Bless you. That really helps. I owe you.
tintin:"Although for the sake of my health I wish there was."
......I don't think it's anymore fatal in moderation than a lot of other things.....I thought you were perhaps an aficionado of the vodka martini which I've never liked although many do
Belle de Ville said...
"isn't it the perfect place to drink a Manhattan?"
.....Where's the perfect place for a martini in west LA?....I requested one before lunch in a restaurant a few weeks ago and the wait staff were in a state of shock but it set off a chain reaction when a couple of guys at adjacent tables did the same.....nice bling btw.
brummagem joe, no offense, but you should think about taking a break from commenting for awhile. Go outside, get some fresh air. It will do you wonders.
Anon- Joe's doing just fine. No offense, but he's contributing rather than just being critical.
Anonymous said..." It will do you wonders."
....why not stick to picking fights with Richard
no fight here, just saying you are posting a lot in the comments and I hardly see anyone conversing back with you. It's just unnecessary and reeks of self promotion (even if that is not your intention and I'm not saying it is). No ill will though, best of luck with all your endeavors.
"Anonymous said....It's just unnecessary and reeks of self promotion"
.....Thanks for your constructive contribution.....I'll take it under advisement
Speaking of $500 hookers, I once got propositioned by a girl from Paris in this very bar, one of the best dressed and most beautiful such ladies I've ever seen. I completely did not see it coming, a fact which she found very amusing.
The vice cop was sitting next to me and he started up a conversation asking me about my watch. Then he told me who he was and why he was there drinking a diet coke. Seems some of the girls can get pretty aggresive at the bar and his presence cools things off. Nice work if you can get it. The cop that is.
"I once got propositioned by a girl from Paris"
....true story....in Paris bar early seventies with my boss......a real boy scout....he goes of with some lady of the night(she was very tasty!)....we return home...few weeks pass....we're meeting alone on something....he steers the conversation in the direction of Parisian working girls and asks me rather self consciously: "do they still have medical examinations?".....I'm still laughing
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