At the Bastian show Monday I shouted out to Mordechai Rubenstein (Mr Mort) from the photo section. Mordechai is a helluva lot of fun and I've missed him since he left New York for San Francisco a year or so ago. He has a great eye and a lot going on style wise, but I think his success stems from his personality. He's a genuinely nice guy. Unlike me.
He walks over and compliments me on a canvas blazer and points to the Army Commendation Medal lapel pin (seen here earlier). "What is that? Is it real?" I look at him and say, "Of course it's fucking real. It's an Army Commendation medal." Mordechai backs away, "Well, I knew it was real. I mean you wouldn't..." and his voice trails off as he returns to his seat.
I don't hear the rest but I can't help but wonder -- as anyone in the Army will tell you -- why anyone would fake an ARCOM lapel pin. That's like saying you made it through Basic. And then I see these runway shots from GQ and lapel pins are everywhere. Amazing. The one piece of understated Army cool known to the few - gone. But I have an idea...
The act of placing representation of an unearned military honor on your clothing is disgraceful and disgusting.
I wasn't aware our armed forces allowed the display of medals and ribbons by active, inactive or retired military personnel on civilian clothing. And further, without context in a grouping of any other military awards earned. Who knew? And then again, pensioners in other countries have a long history of proudly showing theirs on blazers, especially at celebrations.
Hey, you earned them.
They are lucky that the "Stolen Valor act" was ruled illegal.
What a bunch of wantabee cube rats. Be a real adult, join and earn your ribbons, medals and badges.
Wait, I wasn't military but I want to be cool so I'm digging up my old lettermans jacket and will be pinning my football medals to my sport coat.
Signed, Al Bundy
Oh Trad one- If i go through basic will I get those calves of the she-male in the Bastien show?
Looking forward the the idea...
Methinks thou doth protest too much, really.
Now I don't claim to know the 1st thing about the military, but certainly didn't know they gave out ARCOM during basic training or jump school. Or was that earned during another part of your storied military career?
`Every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief
All kill their inspiration and sing about their grief`
You sell insurance and write a fashion/style blog. Come on, why so serious?
Hey, that's the highest medal Uncle Sam ever gave me!
Hey anon, if it isn't serious, what's your name? Better yet, if the military ain't serious go ahead and sign up. And to sum it up, if you are grumpy because thisvenue is grumpy, then come see me; I will ask to see your lapel pin closer up, then give you a serious "nurple".
Had surgery this morning. All is fine thx to the Tylenol 3 with codeine. Best I take day off since teeth are numb. But I reeeley appresheate ebvryojes kommantgs
Tintin, your hostility would have been more amusing if you'd been wearing a Good Conduct Medal lapel pin.
Son, we live in a world that has taste, and those tastes have to be guarded by men with style and integrity. Who's gonna do it? You Tommy Hilfiger? You, Ralph Lauren? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom! You weep for Bijan Pakzad and you curse Charlie Davidson. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that Pakzad's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives! You don't want the truth, because deep down in places you don't talk about at coke parties, you want me in that design studio! You need me on that runway! We use devices like "jump wings", "CBI", "Airman’s Medal". We use these devices as the hallmark of a life spent defending something. You use them as a fashion accessory! I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very lifestyle that I provide, and then imitates the manner in which I provide it! I would rather you just said "Thank you," and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest put down that pair of shears, and bolt of cloth. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to!
LBJ always wore his Silver Star lapel pin--some designer probably saw that and associated it with "1964 cool."
Oyster- That's really good or I'm really high.
I may or may not be higher than you; I thought I saw you flying over my house....
@ Brohammas: reading comprehension fail. Never said the military isn't serious, quite the contrary. If a war vet who had proudly SERVED had gotten up in righteous indignation over this, then I might understand, but coming from Tintin?
Btw, having a blog doesn't actually make you any less anonymous than me. Ponder that for a while. Nurple? Easy there, tough guy.
@ Oyster Guy: lulz
@ Tintin: get well
Speaking of medals, or places to put them, maybe you could post some additional pictures of plaid shirts from the Bastian show.
Tin, hopes and wishes for your speedy recovery!
Get Well Soon, May you recover soon, Good Bless.
If there's anything wimpier than taking ugly shots through an "Anonymous" profile, I don't know what it might be. I'm betting, however, that neither of the Anonymi have a "storied military career" of their own, which would have been too much work. Much easier to take dismissive shots at Tin's with lines like "you sell insurance and write a style blog." Pathetic.
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