It helps to have a theme. Gives you a place to start and no one needs to know. Easter is about warm days and the lure of Summer. Waxed cotton gets the heave ho and bright cotton madras dances in the sun. The green gingham is my grass in the basket while madras serves as Paas and the canvas trousers are Peeps. Does anyone know how to dye an egg madras?
Ed might find this as intolerable as the cowboy outfit.
Martha Stewart did a bleeding madras egg during the last gasp of the 80's. Then she suggested that we grow our own grass for the Easter basket. I could only take so much.
You asked :)
First off, Peeps are the candy corn of Easter and neither "candy" should be endured; or worn.
Secondly, I learned earlier on this blog that madras is in fact a material not a pattern so shouldn't the question be "how do I upholster an egg madras?"
Nice outfit. I too am planning on wearing a madras tie for Easter.
Also, what exactly would hatch from a madras egg? A turkey perhaps?
Thank you ladies and gentlemen, I'll be here all week!
Don't know about madras dye, but decoupage would work.
I just looked at An Affordable Wardrobe. Guiseppe found some Madras eggs with Andover Shop tags at a Goodwill in Southie. :)
the theme for Easter is the redemption of sin through the resurrection.
and ogling sundresses while drinking shiners on a patio.
It snowed here yesterday-quite hard.
Those turnups look horrible: far too small; I don't suppose you'd want to go to 2 inches on khakis but 1 inch (as it looks) is exiguous.
Otherwise all good.
I dunno, I think it's too early for madras. It's a summer fabric. I'll be wearing a silk bow tie on Easter.
Silk Regimental
I like it - A LOT.
Great easter style! I also went with a madras tie, but with seersucker pants and dirty bucks. Usually it reaches around 70 degrees in my area but it was a blistering 90 degrees in my part of the southeast. I'm sure NYC weather was perfect.
I wore cutoff BDUs and a white undershirt all day. No shoes either. Great day for a born again heathen.
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