The old man told me to always drink the local beer. I fell in love with Sand's Light. The Kalik Gold was popular with the Brits but they're easily swayed by the marketing of high alcohol (7.5%). In anything.
Sand's Light was easy to drink although it hasn't been easy to find the calorie and carb count. Not on the bottle or their web site. It has a slight lime flavor while being much fuller than US lime beers. Perfect on the beach. Whether it'll it be as great in NYC -- and in November -- is another story. It's all about what the Japanese call, "Time-Place-Occasion." Just like those pants.
Yep, everything has its time and place. Have to admit I noticed those pants in your previous post and wondered if they were a colourful napkin or your attire... Tres tropical.
I love those pants! And lime beer! Not too sure about boiled fish, though. What kind of fish?
I also try to coordinate my pants to my beverage. It is hard to do, unnoticed by most, yet a silent sartorial act of self indulgence.
I drink clear beverages from clear containers as often as possible.
Love the GTH Lilly's.
Oh the countless times I've thought about the fortunes I could make importing Kalik Gold to this city in the summertime..
Those pants lit up my palate almost as much as those fine looking lime beers! A straw hat, a bit os shade, Bahamian beers and clear water - your devious plan to make us all very envious...and it's working. Cheers.
Nice pants!
Calorie and carb content? You've been in NY too long.
Channeling ADG with that pants and loafers shot....
It's all about what 'the Brits' call 'bollo'; you should probably go on to explore the great 'cheese beers' of Mongolia and Turkmenistan. We can help you spell that if necessary.
Kalik is disgusting.
Hands down the best Caribbean beer is Cristal from Cuba
The old man gave good advice. Could that be your lovely wife in the photo? Enjoy your holiday~~it's Port & Pinot Noir here, we're freezing....
Alright...give me one beer that doesn't fit -ice-cold- on the beach...
Time, place, occasion. Certainly. The only beer that James Bond ever drank in the canon was Red Stripe. In Jamaica.
Alice- Napkin? I would have pegged you for a serviette girl.
Patsy- No idea what the fish was. It was fantastic but I like fish in the AM. The Foxtrot not so much.
brohamas- I like the clear stuff too. There was a lotta water consumed as is the case anytime I'm with a crowd from London. PM me and we can schedule that lunch in Phila. Maybe we can Main Line to join us.
Matt Nelson- As in Major?
Kyle- There's some leads for it on Chow Hound. Seems MD gets a lot of it.
DB- I'm afraid what would happen to me if I wore those trousers in St A.
Richard M- '80s vintage. The new men's stuff comes off a little too twee for me. Not sure why.
Anon 17:52- No. I've had a beer gut for too long. That damned Friday Belt put 20 pounds on my already fat ass.
Main Line- What happened to discovery counsel?
Long before ADD ever showed his monograms around here.
fatfriend- Wow, Stan-beer. Tell me more.
No Hype- Sadly I never saw Caribe but that had more to do with being a prisoner at the Ocean Club than anything else.
RVS- That's not my wife but I've known her for 20 years. Does that count?
GinBird- Guiness, Bass, Warminster, Chocolate Stout, Oatmeal Stout, any Porter, you want I should go on?
M Lane- Have you seen the calories and carbs from Red Stripe? Amazing. And I've been in NY too long.
Tin-Man...Roger...never saw that post before and point taken.
Happy to join you and bro for lunch or drinks...
Guess your out for the fights in Newark...
7.5% alcohol LITE beer that tastes like limes? Wow. At the end of the evening, I hope that you made sure that your 'yawn' didn't match your pants.
It's the best article I had ever seen
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