"Otter, meanwhile, had wandered to the men's toiletries display. He was wondering whether to buy some Canoe, the new aftershave that was currently being heavily advertised on the tube, but when he sniffed it he found it much too sweet.
He snickered; Gregg Marmalard would probably wear stuff like that on his dates with Mandy. Otter guessed he would remain an Old Spice man a while longer." Chris Miller - The National Lampoon's Animal House Book
Vegetables can be really sensuous,
don't you think?
I've been looking all over for Canoe.
I actually like Canoe (maybe trying to regain my long lost youth), but I think it dates from the 1930s.
Fun stuff.
"Are you and Greg doin' the dirty deed or not?"
I like Canoe, too....and truth be told, I'd probably be dating Gregg even thought I'd like to think I'd be cool enough to date Otter.
And you can find usually Canoe at drugstores--Walgreens, CVS, etc. I believe ULTA carries it as well.
There is literally no cologne easier to find than Canoe. It's at every CVS and Walgreens, at Amazon, at every online frangance retailer, and there's a zillion bottles on Ebay. Your best best is Ebay 'cause you can get a vintage bottle, and the older stuff is better.
Canoe canoe?
So if Gregg wears canoe, Otter wears Old Spice, who wears Drakaar?
Marmalard. Only a pretty little sh*t like him could be raped in a minimum security prison. Next time I see him I'm going to kick his a$$.
wait..there's an animal house book...and you read it? ... LOOOOOOOOSER!
Come on over
Et cetera et cetera
Don Draper wisdom: To wit -- the John Biddle poster on the wall in the O.S. photo. Biddle filmed AC 12 meter races off Newport starting around '58, then schlepped a 16mm around the country in a station wagon and replayed the highlights to very small gatherings of local sailors. The OS guys were playing the heritage cards before the earth cooled! Wow!
"So if Gregg wears canoe, Otter wears Old Spice, who wears Drakaar?"
....and who wears Brut?
My best friend in high school was banned by me AND my parents from putting on cologne in our house...yep, it was Canoe, and yep, it took half an hour to air out the bathroom
English Leather and (dear heavens) Jade East were 1 and 2 at mine high school. Canoe and I-can't-remember-the-name were 3 and 4.
My Dad turned 60 this past August. We had a surprise party for him. Some of his friends put together a gag package of old man stuff. In among the Depends, Geritol and Grecian Formula was a bottle of Old Spice.
We all had a laugh, but I nabbed the Old Spice. I've been wearing it every day since. I was never a cologne guy before, but I've found that just a drop is kind of nice.
Guess that makes me Otter.
I remember the bottle of Canoe always being on the counter in my father's bathroom. I hated that stuff, but now that my dad's gone, I'm thinking I'd like to find a bottle. Thanks John.
I used to buy this for my Dad every Christmas. I think Christmas of 1982 was the last time he received it. Do you think he'd like it resurrected for this year?
A guy I work with wears Canoe, and it smells great, so I asked my dad about it. He said Canoe was the go-to cologne in '66. Old Spice was up there, too, but the winner by a mile was Jade East, which he said his roommate would mix with 7-Up and drink.
I remember a time when people were divided into three categories:
1. Those who pronounced the word kuh-no-way
2. Those who pronounced it
3. Those who pronounced it
While we are on the subject of Old School after shave...let's not forget a classic among classics: Clubman by Pinaud. Who can forget that Barbershop smell.
if this is going serious, then it's royall bay rhum.
The Negroes took our dates!
Specifically the barbershop smell was Pinaud's "Lilac Vegetal".
Mine's bigger than that.
In the late 1960's my grandfather, in a pinch, utilized Canoe in place of lighter fluid.
It can be calssified as both "battlefield creativity" and the earliest known "scented candle".
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