Check A la Broche for my dad's Artillery Punch recipe. I owe Stew for that beautiful Old Fashioned piece he did last week. Just in time for your New Year's Eve party, Dad's version has more kick than a 155, is cheap and keeps clowns from asking for a glass of chardonay with goldfish... or anything else.
Love this. Love the New Year's post even more. Your words have a way of making me nostalgic; not sure for what. I turn 36 today. Any advice on late 30s-40s from The Trad would be a welcomed gift.
Kat- I only wish I had listened to this man more often:
Nice recipe Tintin... and I meant to say before, my friend Zamboni predicts 2011 to be The Year of the Pant Cuff Square.. you can say it all started here. j
A Coast Artillery insignia? Am I being too picky, or did you want to see if I was paying attention? Hope you have a wonderful New Year.
Your favorite ( I hope!) curator.
Ever try the "French 75"??...Ted Gericke..an old Philly Jazz piano man...first taught me this drink when I was behind the bar at the Jazz Club...it slams your cranium like shell concussions! According to legend..the original drink was equal parts Champagne and Cornac...what the French officers had on hand in the trenches...and then the drink was made famous at harry's Bar with the gin angle ..
Happy New Year Sir....I'll save you a seat at the Mummer's Parade!
Ah the ole arty...pull string go boom
Reading The Trad is very much like making love to a beautiful woman.
it's unfortunate that a la Broche "outed" you (may i call you j.t.?), but the fact he referenced tito puente almost makes up for it.
o tintin that vid you posted for Kat...hahaha
I quite like the vid. He's not entirely wrong that fella. - kat
Kat- Happy belated birthday and New Year. I would add only one thing to Swiss Tony's sound advice...It get's easier when you're on the right road. Amazingly so.
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