I've said it before and I'll say it again -- Nobody but nobody can do Christmas like the British. I'm not sure if it's something in the water over there or if it just comes natural. Subtle charm is everywhere -- even in Mr Bean.
There are no words for my first plum pudding. Too moist. Too sweet. Too bitter. But eating history is like drinking history.
There are no words, or very few, in the Snowman and Mr. Bean's Christmas. Two favorites. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. I gotta go find a hard sauce.
Thank you for all your wonderful posts. Happy Christmas Tin-Tin.
Didn't quite know where to leave this comment, but just saw you quoted in the Winter 2010 University of Virginia Magazine in the piece on Robert E. Bryan. Never did I think I'd see a blog I read featured in my school's magazine, but by now I suppose I should expect that from The Trad.
And we still dress better than most other schools out there...including some of the Ivies if I dare say so myself.
UVA 2012
Mr. Trad! James up there got me thinking - you should publish a book of your (selected) blog posts. The one that sticks in my craw is the one about your family vacation to Canada - and the illicit Playboy mag under the car seat - the worry over what the boarder dudes would say or do, and your Dad's way of defusing the angst!
A Very Merry Christmas to you and those you hold dear!
Merry Christmas, Tintin.
I will also take this opportunity to thank you for this blog and your associated efforts. While I only discovered it about six months ago, I can say with heartfelt certainty that you have added to my enjoyment of life.
p.s. what is comment about "finding" a hard sauce? You make a hard sauce, don't you? Tweaking the flavor of it with different types of booze is a lot of fun.
Tin-tin's phred/dad says:
RE: Silk Regimental comment: No problem with the Play Boy Mag (and Tin-tin didn't know I checked under car seats every AM. Not for his hidden junk, but for snack foods that kids might have left astray).
Later: After Tin-tins wedding, going to Canada again, I deposited a bunch of our extra, GREAT Colorado brew with one of his new relatives, fearing Canadian Customs.
All went went well, especially when I told Canadian Customs I had read the fire arms restrictions and had left my guns at home (I have Colorado license plates -- all USA westerners are gun suspects in Canada). But they just waved me through. So far, so good.
Back to the USA, I was almost at the border when I remembered I had 30 cartons of untaxed, unstamped cigarettes in the RV overhead. (Perfectly legal IN the USA, but not when coming from outside). I sweated about that, but controlled myself. Asked by Customs/Border cop for my nationality I simply said U.S. and was waved through. Lucked out again.
And so much for all that. I could write a lot more about Canada -- and especially my second home place in Mexico, but why bother?
"p.s. what is comment about "finding" a hard sauce? You make a hard sauce, don't you? Tweaking the flavor of it with different types of booze is a lot of fun."
I knowww. I'm sure the three ingredients are already stashed in their larder, and a recipe is as close as google. Oh woe upon jarred Crosse & Blackwell. Merry Christmas TT and GF.
what about "black treacle" isn't that what goes on (in?) the pudding?
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