Who really was W. Rushton Chatsworth III? Was there a target audience? What happened at the West Point shoot? When was the first issue? How did it make money? Why did it fail? Talk of a return?
Your questions (ok, my questions) answered next week in an interview with M's fashion editor, Robert Bryan.
I subscribed to M for most of its (short) lifetime. I'm sure I still have them in a box somewhere.
The folks a bit older than me whose opinions I respect the most still speak fondly (and often) of this short lived magazine. I've purchased a few copies of ebay, and they are definitely worth the few bucks.
On the home design front, Nest was also a short-lived favorite.
I loved M.
W. Rushton Chatsworth III??? Doesn't he post from time to time over on WASP101? ;)
M was the last stylish men's magazine. Current Esquire, GQ etc. are dreck.
Just received 7 issues yesterday that I purchased off ebay. It was a wonderful magazine.
Kai- I'd hold onto them for a while longer. I've gragged mine around for 25 years.
DCB- I've purchased a few off ebay. I think they're a steal right now.
ADG- M and Spy.
Anon- You got me.
Richard M- Nothing has come close and who knows how long magazines are be gonna around anymore.
HGB- I saw. You did very well.
I loved this magazine.
LBT- It amazes me that this mag generates so much passion. I guess the contrast between then and now really hits it home. There's a fine line between legacy and fond memories.
Thank you for scratching an itch that has gone unscratched for over 20 years. "Will the real W. Rushton Chatsworth III please stand up"
Please use you ranger ninja powers to 'convince' them to bring it back, with style of course.
I'm a chick and I loved M. :)
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