I've been invited to a New Year's party. And I'm bringing my hot nuts (and the Golf Foxtrot). The guy having the party has some mighty fine nuts and his wife is a big fan of his nuts but I'm bringing heat this year. Real HEAT.
I've been going by the recipe in the 'Essentially Lilly" cook book for years. Well, ever since it came out in '04. Nice pictures of Lilly in that book. I swear I hit on her at the Conch House in St. Augustine, FL around 1983. She left me standing in the parking lot and waved goodbye as she drove off in a Rolls Corniche. I'm not sure it was her but my heart tells me it was.
If you're going to a party this week - - I suggest you bring your own nuts. Here's a great recipe from Lilly P's book with my alterations:
Half stick of unsalted butter (I've done this with salted and unsalted - didn't seem to matter)
1/2 C of sugar ( Cut Lilly's half cup in half. Is that a 1/4 cup? I dunno)
1/4 C of water (Again, half it)
1 tablespoon garam marsala (double it)
1/2 teaspoon salt (or not if using salted butter )
3 1/2 C Pecan halves (Make it 4C)
Melt the butter in a medium sauce pan and add the sugar, water, garam marsala and salt (or not) to the mix over medium heat while dissolving the sugar. For nuts with HEAT add-
1/2 tablespoon of cayenne
1 teaspoon chili powder
Reduce for a minute and dump your nuts in the sauce pan. Coat them as best you can. You may need help some help here. Once coated, spread your nuts on a glass baking dish and pop in a 350 degree oven turning the dish every five minutes for 15 minutes.
After taking your nuts out of the oven they'll need to cool. But before they get too cool you'll need to scrape your nuts up and toss them in a bowl. Then you're ready to bring your nuts to the party. If you did this right -- people are gonna be saying some nice things about your nuts. Somebody might say, "Hey, how do you walk with nuts like that? And you say, "Lilly taught me. Just before she left me in the Conch House parking lot."
LOL this guy's a nut
+1 to the party?
I mean +2; I assume you're bringing the Golf Foxtrot.
the trad!
Hey Dr. Evil, I used to think you're crazy, but now I can see you're nuts! - Austin Powers
Best recipe I've read in a long while. I hope everyone enjoys your nuts!
13 year old me would have an absolute field day with this post...you left the door wide open on this one tintin.
You always have to "bring your nuts to the party."
A Trad classic!
Coat 'em in garam masala, son. Then, and only then, are you ready to bring your nuts to the party. Jesus Christ...
Once again Heavy Twee Jacket has disappeared.
Let's notify each other when he re-appears.
Yeah, there's nothing like a man who knows the best way to show off his nuts.
You've get me thinking about nuts.
If you're bringing the hot nuts, will the host provide the Schwetty balls? Have a fantastic New Year. D
Sounds like a great nuts recipe - and I'm sure everyone will like your nuts - be sure tell them all that you made them yourself.
Have a prosperous New Year!
A long time ago, I was in a badn that covered "Big Balls" by ACDC, with yours truly on vocals from behind the drum kit. This post brought back some hilarious memories...humor that the girls bristle at....kinda like the three stooges...thanks for the laugh.
Happy New Year, Tin Tin.
This post is nuts
I made it to the party but forgot my nuts.
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