11 September 2023


8:00 am Liberty Place, Philadelphia. Reading emails, oddly quiet.  Woman in cubicle says private plane flew into Trade Center. No one seems concerned. Me included. 2 minutes later private plane is airliner. Everything changes. Everyone is on computers watching news. Mostly Today Show.

We are told to leave building by the Fire stairs. Hit the street. Walk 16th St heading south. Not sure where to go. Home, 706 Washington Sq South is still unpacked from move. Head east on Sampson St. Huge bang. Truck lift drops onto street. Shaken but relieved I quicken pace. Instinct is to get inside a building. See the Union League Club. Doorman lets me in. Everyone in tv room. North Tower’s on fire. Matt Lauer talks. A friend, navy veteran wearing commendation lapel pin approaches me. We talk about Terrorists. Dad calls. Mom calls. Lots of Chicago calls from friends not aware my move to NYC was canceled and changed to Phila. My office was in WTC 2 south tower 99th floor.

2nd airliner hits south tower. Room shouts, groans, gasps. All different reactions. Only men. All suited. I Stay there all day. Leave 5 or 6 after turning down bar offers. Go Home to drink alone. Rye. Straight. No ice. Poured into glass. Stare out at Washington Square. Wonder why I left my wife. Asking myself why. I could be in Chicago in my home. Safe. With my friend. Who will help me understand this because i can’t alone.  

No music as i drink. Walking into kitchen to refill glass my shoulder strikes the Door jam. I’m drunk. One more. I stay up and drink. Rye runs out. Black box Chardonnay comes to rescue. All the unopened moving boxes remind me of growing up an army brat. 22 moves. 12 schools. Mayflower a good friend. 

The ships circle my living room. I’m on the manifest. Alone. Like all the moves to new schools. Knowing I’ll be leaving soon. I’ll be alone again. 


Aug 20th, 2001. I celebrate a birthday in London. Flew first class. Me and a group of Saudis, the only passengers in 1st Class. Five women traditionally dressed. Four men in suits, no ties. All but one of imposing height and physique. The one is mustached, short and fat. Everyone defers to him. 

After 9/11, photos of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Same guy on the plane. I’m sure. We landed at Heathrow and the Saudis ran for a flight to Hamburg. 

Could it have been?  Wouldn’t I have been contacted by my government? “What did they say?”  the FBI would ask. “Look like?” asks CIA.  “Wear?” “Go?” Nobody asked anything. I still don’t know….positively. I never will. Does it matter?  It haunts me to this day. It’ll never stop. 


brohammas said...


mhg said...

Nice to see you back, John. I hope life's treating you well.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Out of practice here but will try to keep it up.

tintin said...

Ok, think I have it now.

LPC said...

Glad to know you are still with us.

tintin said...

Thank you, Linda. Likewise, I’m sure.

Anonymous said...

I was able to win back my Ex lover with the help of…. Dr.mac@ yahoo. com.. He can fix any type of relationship/marriage issues.,,,

M.Lane said...

Hello my friend. I am so glad you have a new post. You are blogging better than I am. A great post as always and thank you for it.

Take good care,

Stefan Ward said...

The need for more legitimate hacking companies are rising each passing day because of the magnitude of scams being run on the Internet. I know what I went through before I was able to contact Osecybersailing to work on my case after getting scammed multiple times and trying to retrieve back my lost investment funds. After I have invested $670k usd with a fraudulent crypto investment company and i lost everything in the space of one month and got scammed again and again trying to find a solution which wasn't easy to come by given the circumstances that brought about the incident, getting scammed multiple times is never a good experience for anyone involved which was what exactly happened to me when I got scammed investing into crypto currency. Many posing on the Internet as hacking companies aren't really what they are because most of them are scammers waiting for a prey to devour, I got referred to reach out to Osecybersailing through a friend and after I investigated about their legitimacy I came across many of their testimony from their satisfied clients that got their lost investment funds retrieved working with this legitimate and evergreen hacking institute which also changed my story helping me retrieve back my lost investment funds. Many of the testimony really were saying great and worthy things about how the company saved them from financial loss, I decided to hire them after many consideration and they didn't disappoint me by making the choice of choosing them after what I have experienced lately trying to get my funds back from the scammers. They proved they can be trusted with the recovery of lost investment funds which is why I wrote this down for other victims of scam who wishes to ever retrieve back their lost investment funds to let Osecybersailing solve their case, they're worthy and has what it takes to restore back your funds and peace of mind. If you also wish to check your partner Whatsapp conversation to know if he/she is cheating then Osecybersailing is the best team for you.
If you find yourself lost in the depths of lost Bitcoin, facebook and Whatsapp hacking to catch your cheating partner, let Osecybersailing's team guide you towards the light of redemption.
Facebook page: Osecybersailing
Email: osecybersailing@cyberservices.com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your service, sir. Thanks for the stories, good and bad. Hope everything turns out well. Mercy be with you.

Caitlin Daniels said...

Thanks for postiing this

Jadis Book said...



The initial step of reaching out to a hacker for help in recovering lost crypto was born out of desperation, a common sentiment among individuals facing financial losses. 


The hacker's partial success in recovering only half of the lost crypto introduced a dilemma regarding the previously agreed-upon fee. While the initial agreement stipulated a 20% fee upon successful recovery, the incomplete retrieval posed a challenge in determining the fair compensation for the hacker's services. The hacker's insistence on the full 20% fee despite only achieving partial success raised questions about the ethical conduct and professionalism in such transactions.

The discrepancy between the expected outcome and the reality of the situation highlighted the risks and uncertainties involved in dealing with a hacker, OMEGA threatened me and hacked into my personal devices. To avoid further threats I paid them their full fee. Please y'all be careful while dealing with Hackers.

Anonymous said...


❌ Crypto Broker, Forex Trading and their likes are a means of making money but it’s more like gambling. There are no sure means to guarantee that a person could make profit with them and that’s why it can also be reasoned to be scam. Let’s not forget that some individuals even give you 💯 % guarantee of making profits and end up running away with your money. The internet today is full of Money Recovery Scam, you see so much testimonies been shared about how a firm or Company helped them recover what they lost to Binary Options. But believe it, it’s just a way to lure more people and end up scamming them.

❌ You might have also come across some individuals that say they will give you guarantee on successful trades but they only end up as SCAMMERS as well. You here them say stuffs like 200% guaranteed in just 2 weeks and when you go into trade with them, they start telling you to pay profits percentage before you can get your income. These are all liars please avoid them. But if you have been a victim of this guys, then you should contact PYTHONAX now‼️

✳️The big Question is “Can someone Recover their money lost to Binary Option and Scam⁉️
I will say yes, and will tell you how.

The only way to Recovery your money back is by hiring HACKERS to help you break into the Firms Database Security System using the information you provide them with, Extract your file and get back your money. It seems like a really impossible thing to do, I will tell you, it should be impossible, but with the use of specially designed softwares known to HACKERS and Authorities (such as The FBI, CIA e.t.c) it is possible and the only way to recover your money.

✅ PYTHONAX are a group of hackers who use their hacking skill to hunt down SCAMMERS and help individuals recovery their money from Internet SCAMMERS.
We just need the contact details of the SCAMMERS and Paymnet Info and within 4-8 hours your money will be return to you.

✳️ You can contact us via the emails below-:

We also provide Legit Hacking Services such as-:
🔸Phone Hacking/Cloning
🔸Email Hacking & Password Recovery
🔸Social Media Hacking & Passowrd Recovery
🔸Deleted Files Recovery 🔸Mobil Tracking
🔸Virus detection & Elimination.


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