Watches with evening wear are okay in my book. So is this tie. The look is bound by white, black and stainless steel. Clean, understated and effortless. Not an ounce of foppery. Of course, it helps to look like this guy, but we're looking at what we can change.

I've mentioned my fondness of the double breasted dinner jacket before. I think they look swell on short men who like croissants with butter and gave up running 10 years ago. Most flattering... as long as we leave our clothes on. Consider replacing fabric covered buttons for something more Savile Row -- Black and shiny as opposed to matte.

A Ferrell Reed (whatever happened to them?) advert speaks to unmatching through sophisticated double links on pique shirt with elegant studs, a cotton pocket square and a most unusual but intelligent bow tie. The Glenurquhart plaid with forest green accent is perfect for the holidays.

I love a shawl lapel but this is a stark contrast to the bearded fella above. The matchy-match tie and cummerbund look to have been picked out by his wife. It speaks to the kind of California that considers itself ultra tasteful. You know...San Francisco. Instead, he looks like he trying to be the Red Baron or he's just a Georgia fan.

Notch lapel, matching black onyx with gold trim studs and cuff links. Pre-tied bow. I'm not saying you can't. I'm just saying -- with everything you've seen here -- you don't have to. It helps to have some fun with your evening. Who knows? This New Years, a woman may see something and in her mind wonder, "He's unusual. I wonder why?" Have a blast. I'm going to pizza party. But the pizza is amazing.
New Year's Eve I will be wearing double-breasted shawl collar evening wear..flat collar formal shirt sans pleats....38 caliber shell base studs and 12 ga. shotgun shell base cufflinks....Gold Seiko 2002 Salt Lake Olympics commemorative watch...Ferragamo patent leather shoes w/ velvet tops..if anybody gives a rat's ass.
You were invited...
Now, on that watch issue....looks like that guy is wearing a big stainless sport watch...too big...and sport watch not OK for evening wear...need something slim and elegant...
Traditional wisdom says a gentleman does not wear a watch when sporting evening wear because the night is his and he should not care about the time. I never bought that at all...
The matching striped cummerbund and tie looks like a bad rental at a 3rd rate Country Club wedding...
Happy New Year!
What's wrong with being a Georgia fan?
Red Baron... or Gordon Bombay?
Guy with beard gets my vote for best dressed. I dig that guy. Also I have a beard.
Wait. You know I wear a DB shawl collar jacket right? I think you were describing me!
I agree with Mainline [no surprise] and wear the same shirt with no pleats [I admit I saw George Clooney wearing one and got one because I liked the look]but my gold studs are one of two sets, either small knots or discs with my school emblem on them.
As for a watch, I never wear one with formal dress. Who cares what time it is?
All the best for a great 2012.
Let's hope that guy is totally propped up by his car & that he's had way too much of the bubbly, because . . . if he had any idea how bad he looked in that outfit, it would surely drive him to drink.
I'm not certain what you're implying when you mention San Francisco. If it's that this guy is gay, no way. He must be related to the Talbot's. Now guy # 1, that man has style, but you can bet he's not meeting up w/ Talbot guy.
"Of course, it helps to look like this guy, but we're looking at what we can change."
I lost it when I read this. You really need to freelance for a magazine or something...
Perhaps I'm just the wrong guy in the wrong place but...
I think the last opportunity I had to wear "evening wear" was my wedding 11 years ago.
Prom and wedding... where else can a lower middle class guy get his James Bond on? (maybe I need to stop calling it getting my James Bond on first?)
Bro-You need only to create your own excuse...even if it is just a private dinner with your wife...
I'll be working at the wine shop until 11 pm. Gotta make sure the last minute yahoos all get their booze. I'm thinking of breaking the law and wearing formal trousers, evening shirt and black satin bow tie with a heavy varsity style cardigan. That, or some khakis and a shetland.
My Favorite Wife and I are doing a dinner and dancing thing this "Eve"
I will be donning the DB shawl and black tie though I'm sure I'll be alone. If you can't wear Black Tie on NYE because you want to then we have truly lost.
Happy New Year to all!
wishing you a happy new year, snuggle cakes.
Brohammas, I'm a lowly pig farmer who will be celebrating NYE at home with my wife and 1.5-year-old son, and another couple and their toddler.
But I will be wearing my black watch dinner jacket, pleated tennis collar formal shirt, black silk bowtie, white pique vest, silk braces, slim gold art-deco Bulova watch from the 1920s, tuxedo trousers, and velvet slippers.
I will be waaaaaay overdressed, but I will be comfortable and feel like I'm treating the evening with right spirit. So I guess I'm saying you just make your own opportunities.
I like Farmer Jones' comment, make your own opportunities. Yep, I'll dress as I so desire. And if that means I'm over-dressed, compared to the others (note that it's often defined as such because one is comparing oneself to others), so be it!
@ Brohammas
sweetheart there are charity events in most major cities, they are usually remarkably cheap- no more expensive than a night out at the bars or a dinner, darling.
but as other people said, sugar bear, you can make your own opportunities, darling. Remember on safari the brits would dress in evening wear, sugar.
I think I will be wearing drunk.
Ouch, the San Francisco comment! ;)
But as a Bay Area native, I know what Tintin is saying.
@Brohammas, didn't you move to NYC recently? There are tons of blacktie events here. And the best part is the looks you get while riding a subway in a tuxedo. And, yes, you always get someone remarking, "Gettin' your James Bond look on, eh?" :)
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