It is where you come to get things done. "Did you close?" It is asked like the sidewalk you stand on. Flat, bare and wide. The intonation lowered by an octave. "Did" You eye the candy of middle aged manhood. Prince of Wales check from Pink. Dominican Belicoso from Davidoff. A signed first edition of Look Homeward Angel from Bauman.
"You" A female sheep looks to be sheared or worse...mutton. Men wear serious here like a badge. Tightly laced Edward Greens look like the tip of a spear. Shoes don't make the man but the men here know shoes...and cloth. It won't close but it gets you through the thick glass door.
"Close" Money unseen is transacted. Can't touch it but you feel it. The relief. A mortgage payment. A bottle of Champagne. Self worth inflates the 44" chest. Taxi horns float upward -- Never sounding like they do in Chicago or London. Only New York. Asking..."Did You Close?"
The fix was in: Bloomberg mag seconds a scoop.
Did you?
Congrats? ME
There you go.
I didn't understand a word of this post, but I like the photo!
Cha Ching
Anon's comment at 07:25 cracked me up...I sort of understand the post and most definitley love the photo.
A bard, verily.
ABC, baby!
I gotta say living by that motto day in and day has got to take its toll on a man...I could only hack it for short bursts because it is a rush. But like the hottest chick you ever had...too much, too often, a rush but then you need a break.
My hat comes off who can work like that for any extended period of time...
Funny thing is, every damn job is sales, that's what i've arrived at.. I teach public high school english and i'm selling it hard every day- sometimes feelin like Roma- more often than not, Moss or Levine... nice one
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