This photo shoot was inspired by that dream. I wanted to include a small table with an vintage alarm clock but while the logistics proved daunting - Mark Rykken did not. It is no easy task to stand at 45th & Madison at 2PM dressed like you're going to bed. I owe Mark and Paul Stuart a huge thanks for their cooperation and their enthusiasm.
I am looking for a woman to model a smoking jacket. Long legs and assertiveness are required.
Very sharp. But I don't get the ascot. You're not going to sleep in the thing so you're stuck tying it when you arise and untying it when you retire, right? When clothes get that fussy I think we've lost our bearings.
Ascots have a purpose beyond the decorative in colder and draftier climes. They keep the neck and chest warm when your sagging jowls and wattle aren't up to the job. Pajamas and robes, with their deep gorges can still be a bit chilly fetching the morning paper in winter. Even with an open necked shirt, an ascot can be just the thing for popping over to the neighbours when a coat seems awkward or overkill. But only on weekends if you are employed or anytime at all if you are not.
I really like the higher cut armholes on this robe and the way Mr. Rykken's arm is lifted without disturbing the waist and belt.
Now this is a post I totally get! I love it. And piping? Whether on robes or upholstery, it always kicks up the joint by several notches.
I like the idea. But I can imagine that is probably a little over whelming.
Funny how a gent in his jammies looks more dressed than your average guy heading to work...of course I love the ascot, but you knew that. I have some Brooks Brothers pjs very similar, but my robe is paisley...and my slippers are red velvet, of course. Don't think I'm tall enough to model the smoking jacket, although I do have one...
this is sharp. makes me think about re-evaluating my own sleeping garb: scrubs and a hairy chest.
Ready to lend a dab hand when, at last, you indeed discover that perfectly assertive - and long legged - woman to model the smoking jacket.
He looks like my (slightly) mad uncle.
I'll have you know that we in North Carolina film people in bathrobes and pajamas in public all of the time.
You can watch them on 'People of Walmart.'
The blurry foreground passers by is myfavorite by far.
Well done.
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