Trust me on this one -- Forget everything else. Goes well with grilled lamb and a Cote du Rhone. Key: Emmentaler Swiss. Tom Cat bread. The Del Fuegos, 'I Still Want You.' Destroy a gas station, 'It's a Mad, Mad Mad, Mad World.'
Not as good as it was. Better than it will be.
show me a guy who'll cook that hungover, and i'll show you a guy who puked himself out of some strange.
Haven't heard the Del Fuegos mentioned in a long time. I love the Boston album, especially Don't Run Wild and Still Want You.
I am hoping for a holiday return of "Friday Belts" next week.
Merry Christmas!
You had me at the cup of grated Swiss...this sounds delish, hangover or no hangover.
But can you eat it for breakfast?....when the hangover symptoms are most acute....
I suspect the Cote du Rhone is actually the palliative element here....but the soup does sound delicious....
“Drink it straight” he says. “It’ll slow you down” he says. Tried that. Woke up w/ a lamp shade around my waist. Thanks for nothin’. Now about that garlic soup...
The soup is easy to make and it keeps. Although a Texan may find it a challenge it takes about as long as a decent bowl of oatmeal.
Sorry 'bout the neat advice. Did you chug instead of sip?
that's a good question. you know it's really such a fine line... chug vs. sip. and thinking back, 'twas a line I crossed with much aplomb after, oh, number three or four. no one to blame but myself and my gusto.
Julia Child has a version of garlic soup. It is "souper" easy (ha ha).
Seriously, great stuff. Add saffron to give a lovely golden color. To peal garlic quickly, put cloves into a bowl, cover with another bowl and shake vigorously (like you are Tom Cruise in Cocktail). The skins will pop off
This really works? I need like a softball sized wad of lard to cure my hangovers usually. Garlic and cheese and noodles? I just dunno.
I've been doubling the garlic recently. Try it. With lard.
god i wish i'd read this this morning.... i pigged out on latkas and brisket but didn't kill my hangover from last night and my new favorite drink- The Shattuck Century
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