Dylan Dalyn has needed a proper pair of shoes since I met him. Those vulgar Pliner square-toed wheels of his will clash with an Ivy League degree. These are a little too Italian for me but they'll suit him just fine in the city of Brotherly Love and Boyds. Marked down from $478 to $79 and available in more sizes than I thought.
From Ron Rider.
But will he wear them....
Will I wear them?
I wore a Black watch tartan jacket with a velvet collar to a party this weekend.
Unless its a madras jacket, or unless I have to keep a straight face, I'll wear anything... I would even wear them to a fight in South Philly.
I consider this post the best backhanded complement I've ever had.
ML- He's the got the right coloring for 'em. Nice khaki suit, rep tie and maybe a boater. Shoot, he could run for governor in 10 yrs.
Bro- Are you gonna run for governor?
Tis the Season! Well Done.
These look unfinished. Maybe embroider a root beer bottle on the toe or something.
GSV- That just might be the best comment of the year.
I concur on the GSV comment....I honestly laughed out loud when I read it.
BUT...does it trump my Twit of the Year comment?
Jokes at my expense, GSV wins.
Do I still get the prize?
If he is wearin' these kicks at the fights on 1/21 in Philly...I will snap one and post it...
Thanks for the great tip. I finally got around to ordering a pair, and they arrived today. The leather is fantastic, and they are extremely comfortable. These were made for Paul Stuart. I just hope I'm cool enough to wear them.
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