24 February 2011

Sitting On My Hine

Instead of complaining about the weather why don't you do something about it. And since I'm not a cross country skier... Well, this works for me. I've tried the other cognacs and Hine VSOP is up there. No more than $50 a bottle, it's a lighter and more gentle cognac perfectly suited to an after dinner fire in winter. I gave up cigars a couple years ago but if you imbibe I'd suggest a 1926 Anniversario Maduro by Padron. Better than many Cubans and a lot easier to find. What's harder to find is a wife that allows this sort of behaviour.


Easy and Elegant Life said...

Cognac, just the thing! I'll root some out from behind the bar.

I've been enjoying the odd glass of port recently. My neighbour gifted with a bottle of his private label and I've become a fan. But a snifter would certainly take the chill out of the air whilst the mercury creeps to 50º.

Harris said...

Hine Rare and Delicate

Anonymous said...

"Behaviour be damned, me thinks the lady shall join you..." ME

Spalding said...

I think the Rare and delicate is the VSOP, adopted the standard naming, best by far for the money

Anonymous said...

Question: how do you like your Cognac? Neat, on-the-rocks, with a coupladrops of water, or what? Thanks . . .

Anonymous said...

I like the portrait over the fireplace. 1830s? American?


tintin said...

E&E- I didn't forget the esquire article. Well, I did but I'm back on it. Tried some White Port last week. Nice and chilled but nothing to write home about.

Harris - Ok.

ME - OK!

Spalding - It's a great deal for the $.

Anon- I mix it with 7-UP. No, really I use nothing. I do like it colder than room temp. They say 60 degrees is ideal. Pop it into the fridge for 10 minutes and it's very different.

Anon- Yep. Robert Street of Philadelphia 1838. It's yours for $30,000.