Boots really. Made by J&M for Lincoln and recreated here. Size 14. Largest size of any US President. Lots more fascinating presidential foot lore can be found here where you can see they all tied their shoes just like...
Not as good as it was. Better than it will be.
wow, Abe was a little light in the loafers after all.... that's the rumor...with a face that rugged who expected a shoe so lithe... there's a lesson here somewhere...more shoes and feet tintin!- zamboni has fetish.
If I recall correctly, he was wearing a Brooks Bros. coat when he was assassinated. Stylish guy.
The Gerald Ford shoe is pretty darn quirky. Tasseled chukka loafers, I guess you'd call them??
greatzamboni, Lithe? No Goodyear welts in 1891.
A guy walks into a bar and asks the super hot female bartender: ' Can I have a beer, some peanuts and can I smell your pussy ? "
The bartender turns around and gets the the beer and peanuts and puts them on the bar in front of the patron and stares firmly into his eyes and says disdainfully ' .... And no, you can't smell my pussy ...'
Then the patron says ' Oh, then it must be your feet '
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