A logo that incorporates my father. I couldn't be happier. And to the mysterious reader who sent me four different options- I don't know who you are but I thank you. Soul. Gravitas. History. Authenticity. It tells a story.
Not as good as it was. Better than it will be.
My choice is photo number one. What thoughtful fans you have...and one talented Dad.
Great looking!
sorry no. 1
I like #1 as well (if you're taking votes).
It's classy!
i think the logo misses the mark by a mile, but if you are happy with it then i suppose that's what's important.
Interesting comment from Anonymous above. Maybe it does miss the mark. Maybe not. What was your dad "saying" with it? It could be taken by some as a resort/leisure sort of logo. Or, from a distance, sort of like that trucker mud flap girl. But do you care?
And what about your own earlier logo with the little stick figure? That's perhaps closer to the mark. And just as unique.
I think this is one of those logos where at first you go "huh?" It's not a classic "communicate the product" logo. But it's intriguing enough to draw you in--and eventually the person who is drawn in will learn the back story and that will be cool. Kind of like learning the back story of a nifty piece of clothing one didn't initially "get."
Which is it say, I like it.
I like #1 also. I love the "Reclining Man".
This is pure Gumby. A rather awkward-looking fellow lounging around doing nothing. How apt.
"THE" needs to be a classic script font.
I like no. 1 - but personally I would make "Trad" flush with the top of the logo and set it in a font with stronger serif. But then again - it is the tendency of one graphic designer to want to change another's work. Well done mystery designer!
Laguna Beach Prep - I want you to understand one thing about my Dad's painting. I don't give a fuck what you think about it.
I think it's a very nice graphic but not the best choice for logo. May if your dad could give the fellow a bow tie and a pair of trousers.
Impossible for me to be objective. I grew up with this painting and it means a lot more to me than anyone else. I know that.
But that's what I love about it and the man who painted it. That it hung in the many houses I grew up in. That it represents a time I grew up in. I feel like those folks on Antiques Roadshow who would never sell.
Greg said: "I like no. 1 - but personally I would make "Trad" flush with the top of the logo and set it in a font with stronger serif. But then again - it is the tendency of one graphic designer to want to change another's work. Well done mystery designer!"
ditto, ditto and ditto!
No. 1!!!!
Agree with everybody: No. 1 is a more interesting meshing of text and image.
skorpeo: Couldn't disagree more. "The Trad" certainly calls for a classic, serifed font. But not too exaggerated. Restrained serifs mirror the silhouette of the reclining man perfectly. Just look at the guy's foot. It's an understated serif itself. Seems like you gotta use that as inspiration and echo it.
I've always been intrigued by multiple uses/applications of that "QED" we would write at the end of geometry theorums, remember that? Quod erat demonstrandum, that which was to be proven [has herewith been proven, done]. And now that I see this stunning image painted by your father, and love it even more for its strong horizontal format, I wonder if it might make a handsome QED-style finish at the end of each of your posts. Like an official family signature that says "I stand by this" so to speak. An intriguing header, or an equally intriguing endnote, win-win.
Perhaps your father should produce something less Gumby-like.
I like number 1, it looks cool... So when is it going up?
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