It is, without doubt, a Trad masterpiece. Hands down...the coolest sweater in the world. I'm trying to find anything close. Jay Kos had a beautiful Otter Sweater last season but it's
way out of my fraternity. Any leads would be most appreciated. TO-GAH, TO-GAH!
What movie/show is this from?
MMT - It's from the 1978 film, Animal House.
As a current college student I've always thought the clothes of animal house were classic
Boone, I anticipate a deeply religious experience.
brooks has this great one for kids, if they only had one for adults! http://bit.ly/vVHzU
I can't even begin to comment on this post because my head will explode with quotes. I was elementary school when this movie premiered and I had to sneak in the theater to see it. Being the great mom that I am I turned both my daughters on to this american classic. After viewing one must take an antidote of Jane Austen to avoid permanent brain damage. Hope you find the holy grail/sweater. D
Sometimes I wonder if we're even talking about the same trad.
Too bad too because that Brooks sweater is pretty damn close.
animal house, more like granimal house
A decade-and-a-half earlier, Tim Matheson (Otter) was the voice of Jonny Quest.
So, you've already got your Halloween costume picked out...a roll of Life Savers! Much more colorful and less cliche than Mr. Goodbar.
Anyone who wore that sweater at Dartmouth in the mid-Seventies would have been considered, in the vernacular of the day, a complete dweeb.
brandon- That's close enough for government work but I'd look like Pugsley Addams.
D- Yeah, it was an amazing event when it came out. Toga parties were everywhere.
longwing- And isn't that the point? I put it to you, Wing...Either there's diversity in Trad or you're bad mouthing America.
Memphis 88- Amazing. I swear - boy's departments get all the good stuff. I was able to get into a size 20 in college but no more.
anon 12:28 - Been waiting to use that line for a year or more?
DB - Johnny Quest: You know, I think vegetables can be very sensuous, don't you?
Hadji: No, Johnny. Vegetables are sensual. People are sensuous.
Anon 15:46- And that makes you... Tony Lo Porto?
... and I'm not gonna stand by while BAD MOUTH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
Damn you! I was just about to write one about this film.
Toga, Toga, Toga . . . brilliant.
My brother had something like that in more muted tones. It was very cool. Diversity in trad? Sure there is. There's certainly regionalism and even globalism in trad.
Anyone who wore that sweater at Dartmouth in the mid-Seventies would have been considered, in the vernacular of the day, a complete dweeb.
Anyone who would wear anything from the 70s is considered a 'complete dweeb'
Animal House was set in the 60s not the 70s.
Ben- There's a lot to write about Animal House.
Beefeater- No, it's TOH - GA, TOH - GA.
Heavy Tweed - As I've always said, "You ain't heavy...you're my Harris Tweed.
Anon 07:11 - You beat me to it. Actually, Heavy Tweed has some 70's / 80's era shots of Dartmouth (I think). Compared to the 60's not even Princeton is that impressive. Hampden Sydney is another story.
Anon - The fall of '62 I think. It was made in '78 and there seems to be an active alumni of the shoot.
Ben- There's a lot to write about Animal House.
Beefeater- No, it's TOH - GA, TOH - GA.
Heavy Tweed - As I've always said, "You ain't heavy...you're my Harris Tweed.
Anon 07:11 - You beat me to it. Actually, Heavy Tweed has some 70's / 80's era shots of Dartmouth (I think). Compared to the 60's not even Princeton is that impressive. Hampden Sydney is another story.
Anon - The fall of '62 I think. It was made in '78 and there seems to be an active alumni of the shoot.
Hampden Sydney is a finishing school for the weakest members of the herd.
Anon 21:14 - Piss those guys off and they'll garrote you with their Hermes belts.
That photo brings back memories I didn't know I had. I recall wearing a similar multi-colored striped sweater, but the colors were heathered. It's something I picked up around 1983 or so.
There's some diversity in that sweater.
I puked all over my identical sweater one night at the Cellar in Charlotte. Mighta puked on Charlotte as well.
Oh how I loved (Mine's bigger) Otter. I just did a little post about him a week or so ago...my college sweetheart and I were all about the Otter...
I had a vest just like that in 6th grade.
Aaron- There were a number of striped sweaters in the 80's. I just learned they're called Poor Boy sweaters. See the link on Brandon Sargents comment. I hope you didn't buy it used in S.C.
La Wing- Now you're talking. We're not a melting pot - - This country is just one big Poor Boy sweater.
ADD- I barfed on 5 sorority sisters just after they asked me if I'd ever been with more than one woman. This was on a king size bed in their friend's parents condo in Atlantic City. It pains me to add this is not something I've made up. WC Stroby can verify should you desire confirmation. Fortunately, I didn't get any on my sweater.
Tickled- Welcome to the blog. If you like 80's college pics - - you've arrived in Mecca.
That sweater is amazing. The movie is a the stuff legends are made of and if I had been smarter, that very similar sweater I had from the Gap or Structure (eyes, rolling, i know) should have been kept, but then again I just wasn't thinking when it got ditched.
just make one dude.
get like 100 made and sell them
Dickie- Here's something close on ebay:
Anon- Dude, what do you charge for a sweater? PM me and lets talk.
I saw this movie at the US Naval Academy during a weekend regatta. I swear, the whole corps wanted to go to a "real" college after that.
Oddly enough, my DAD took me to see "Animal House" in the theater back in the day.(I was 10, he was 40.)
This is the first R-rated movie I ever saw. I actually wanted to see "Saturday Night Fever", but Dad offered this, and I took him up on it. (Honestly, I think he was in the middle of a nostalgia fest, having turned 40 back when that age had more heft to it.)
I didn't understand the sex dialog in the movie at the time, I figured that out later when I saw it on cable in the 1980s.
But, I sure knew that I couldn't wait until I could take my own ROAD TRIP.
I was looking for "otter's sweater" on google after seeing the boys' sweater in the Brooks catalog, but no men's equivalent. Lo and behold, you had the same idea, earlier. Did you have any luck finding anything?
Googling 'poor boy' sweater only seems to bring up some women's item from the 90's.
Copy that link I sent to Dickie in the comment dated 24 Sep. It's an XL but I have one that's a Large and it's a tight fit.
I didn't like this sweater and wound up buying one from Kos. He told me he had two left and wasn't going to do another one. They're expensive but I considered it for a while and felt like I had to have one just like Otters. That's because I'm a moron.
"Don't screw around, they're serious this time. Don't worry, I'm pre-law. I thought you were pre-med. What's the difference?"
Discover the perfect blend of warmth and style for your young one with our Boys Sweater collection, keeping them cozy and fashionable.
Just got this from Brooks Brothers... pretty close
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