MW was a senior my freshman year. President of the SGA, editor of the year book, head of some secret honor society and mayor of Sarasota. On our first date, we sat in a green vinyl booth at the Holiday Inn on the beach, drank $4 cocktails, smoked cigarettes from her silver case and talked about writing and writers. I looked past her and out the glass doors to the ocean and I remember thinking... I was a very long way from Ft Bragg.
The divine Miss M (number three?) is very pretty. I assume she didn't last because she graduated and moved on. I gather from your posts you took the scenic route through college. Are you still in contact with MW? D
We're still in contact. I think being an army brat has always motivated me to stay in touch with friends from years ago. Some folks reciprocate - - others do not. But a good friend is very hard to find. I try to hold onto them for as long as they'll let me.
What a cutie. With a certain...edge. And great shots, Tintin.
The thing about being forced by circumstance to photograph people without the aid of lights or reflectors is that the unembellished photo is exactly as you saw it. The viewer knows this intrinsically, even subconsciously. It seems to say that, yes, you worked at getting something, but neither of you tried too hard, and therefore the results are honest.
This may sound axiomatic, but you rarely see it in a "shoot" anymore involving a willing subject and a purposeful shooter. The result can be a picture the viewer looks INTO - not just at - again and again.
I'd be willing to bet her kids would do just that, given the chance.
Always get a kick out of reading your stuff...who knew insurance and writing?
Thanks for these posts. MW is nice. Do they still make them like that?
DB- MW still has an edge and it's sharp. And you know I never tried too hard at photography - - or anything else.
CG- I'm sure as hell not making 'em.
I like this one quite a lot. Can you give us some before and after shots?
LWing- Not until you update that ghost town you publish.
i hope you ended up getting a room at the holiday in
victorian dance hall?
Foster- I like how you think.
Anon 11:54- US Senate or Lee County? I'm dying to know.
Ok, I used to like you Tintin, but this series is causing me to wrestle with rank jealousy. What ladies! This one even has a great belt on!
I take back what I said about the white suit in your prior post. It OBVIOUSLY worked for you.
Victorian dance hall?
tradster ,did you do any gay porn or Mr. Eagle/Leather contests in the early 80s? You look really familiar.
M Lane- It was a looonngg time ago.
Anon- Perhaps you saw me in, 'Victorian Dance Hall.'
Tintin...good on you for giving Longwing some shit about not posting. This girl is stunning. Please tell me that you were way out of your league. If not, we are gonna have to expedite the third flooe ring at Flusser's and commence the ass whippin.
I could a snaked her from you old buddy.
ADG- Most of the guys were drama majors. Pickins were easy. You would've needed a foot stool to kiss her.
sigh....too bad women don't age well.
"....foot stool to kiss her..."
Tinsoldier ... we are all the same height when horizontal. Ain't no hill for a little climber like me.
Anon - You're a moron. Good thing your an anonymous moron.
ADG- Seven hours later and that's it? Agree with horizontal but if you took her to a restaurant you might be mistaken for a poodle. A standard poodle but poodle still. And that's ok if you're Pat Day. Does Flusser tailor your silks?
MW is stunning. I am convinced that she really is as self confident as she looks in the pictures. A force to be reckoned with I suppose. It is nice you still keep in touch. Thanks for the post.
Looks like your girl took a wrong turn on her way to Rollins. Lucky you!
Anon 15:29, Very good. Verrrryyyy goood.
she is awesome. reminds me of my sister's friends at an all-girls school in the 80s, only they never had the self-confidence this lady seems to exude. i wonder what she looks like now?
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