These are a few of my favorite things. Cue Julie Andrews.
You ever have that feeling when you roll into a new town that it's gonna be something special? Newport is that kind of town. Boats and seagulls mixed with cod and cold beer and a personal mission to sample every lobster roll in town.
The Royal Male is filled with Anglo soul while the clothing is as tasteful as what I had for dinner at Zeldas last night. Thank you Blushing Hostess for the reckie.
What is it about these Yankees? How do they know...how to do it...so damned well?
items #1 and #4 are reasons 3,452 and 3,453 why i think god intended me to be wealthy and living on the east coast/new england...
That pub, we lived there after clam bakes one winter, corner of Broadway and Farewell (story of my life)... when they called it Aidan's. They make great clam fritters and chicken sandwiches. They serve good Irish. Everyone said they went downhill after they opened big doors to the sidewalk. Unsavories from across the street. Next to the park named after my great great great grandaddy - he was also a sailor and warrior. Okay. Give me another, I like this game.
You and me both, Skorp.
Blushing- I'll throw some more at you this afternoon. Where's your favorite lobster roll? I'm told the concession on First Beach.
Need to go to the Narragansett. Check out Scrimshanders as well.
The best thing about those tot-sized pub stools is the fall to the floor is decreased by half.
Ditto on the favorite things, Tintin, my boy, ditto. More so the awnings and the dolphins - it reminds me where and why I came to visit.
Trawerts- Is it any wonder our bar stolls are so tall...
DB- I love it here. Amazing place. Went looking for First Beach and wound up in Little Compton. A beautiful drive and a nice (but spensive) lobster roll at Evelyn's Drive In.
The Mooring in town. Or Flo's Clamshack at First Beach. Or both. I was gifted with a fast metabolism once.
But forget all that: Go straight to Castle Hill - leave right now - assume the position at the bar or on the lawn - it is afternoon for criss sakes, you're late already... champagne cocktails and g&t's, what? Okay, that's enough, you are killing me. Trade places?
Evelyn's is great. I was there last weekend! Crazy burger in Narragansett is great too.
Nice post Tin-Tin. You are making me sick with envy, exiled out here in the windy city. I need to get back east soon. Great call on the Royal Male - I picked up a St. James sweater there years ago that has been as tried, true, long-wearing and often-used as a pair of cordovan Aldens.
try flo's clamshack its a bit of treck over the causeway but its pretty good. Also the candystripe or store on the wharf has a decent lobster roll but will definetly be more expensive than flos
As I read your post on Newport (I went to college there, best four years of my life, yes I am a salve girl dont believe everything you hear) I was thinking OMG I hope he goes to Zeldas! Let me just tell you Zeldas is the most amazing place ever, the food, the atmosphere and of course the ring toss game are all the makings of what newport it really about. The only other place worth mentioning is 22 Bowens, bliss! have a stoli doli and enjoy!
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