Fellow Army Brat and all round nice guy at the "Easy and Elegant" blog is asking other bloggers to contribute and spread the word about the miserable shape of today's food banks. One screw up begets another and the food banks are in as much trouble as the city banks. This organization, Feeding America, is trying to fix it. Every dollar (.49 cents in 1984 money) buys 10 pounds of food or seven meals. $25 buys 75 meals. So, if you can-- join in on this. Click here to pledge and thanks.
Thanks so much for joining Chris and me in this project.
It can happen to anyone... as we're seeing now.
Pigtown- Design,
Thank you for what you've done. I hope there's a good turnout.
I am wearing a blue/white seersucker suit on Easter with a white button down and possibly an orange/green bowtie. I will probably be wearing cordovan loafers. What color socks should I wear.
Go here:
and look around. Argyle can give you plenty of ideas with seersucker. Cordovan, while not my preference with SS, should look ok with "15" or "5" I wouldn't rule "19" out either. In fact, that's what I'd go with. You're not matchy-matchy with the tie but picking up on the blue of the SS and the orange of the tie. In short, you're dressing like you didn't put a whole lot of thought into this versus a too affected, trying-too-hard look where everything matches. I'm just using Ben Silver as an example.
April Fools?
A dollar now is surely not equivalent to .49 cents in '84. 49 Cents perhaps, but not .49.
If one dollar buys seven meals, why would 25 only buy 75? It should buy at least 175.
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