The Stable Belt
The Stable Belt for civilians

Stable Belt Details

Another Favorite Belt
Just a wee dram, yea?
The Laphroaig Distillery
I remember catching a glimpse of a Stable Belt worn by Sergeant Major Scully during Canadian Jump School. Located outside Edmonton, the school was segregated into French and English speaking. Scully ran the English side. He was average height but built with a thick chest that gave him a permanent lean forward. One day the head of the French side disappeared and a young French Canadian walked up to Scully and asked him something... in French. Scully took the last cigarette out of a box of Export A's, threw the empty box at the kid which bounced off his helmet and yelled, "Chevrolet Coupe! That's all the effing French I know!" Scully used another word for effing but you get the point.
Traditional clothing has always borrowed from the military. "Inspired" is a word I'm fond . It bothers me to no end when a designer steals insignia men died wearing. Why steal unit insignia when the history of the military is so full of ideas that, like the Stable Belt, a civilian version can be done with taste and respect. Hell, I think the consumer would think more of the apparel if he was clued into it's past. You build loyalty as well as a relationship. Just ask the Scots about single malts.
Single Malts have a fanatical base of supporters who take distillery tours and spend small fortunes on something they're gonna drink and waz only a couple hours later. I must admit to having a thing for Laphroaig and it's home, Islay. Haven't been there yet but I do see the attraction. To taste a place...that French word (pardon me, SGM Scully), terroir...which I can never say without feeling like an asshole...That's what Laphroaig is all about. Smokey and peaty like the sky in this You Tube video. The taste of the sea- - like raw oysters and a cold Manzanilla Sherry. Man, that's living. I always enjoyed Laphroaig with a cigar but it's getting almost impossible nowadays. Still, it's probably better that way. Come the right moment - - it'll be appreciated.

Stable Belt Details
Another Favorite Belt
The Laphroaig Distillery
Nice to see where my hangover was born
A big thank you to Jonty F! Whoever you are. Jonty F recently commented on a post regarding the Regimental Belt. Jonty provided a lot of detailed history and it kicked me off on some research and some memories. Certainly this belt I'm wearing echoes the military version of the Stable Belt. I just wish I could find an assortment more like this. If I were one of those Big Blouse fashion designers I'd be knocking these off for years. It's wider than a surcingle and it's adjustable. Perfect for the larger belt loops of today. And perfect for my waist as I discover how to add bacon to just about any dish.
I remember catching a glimpse of a Stable Belt worn by Sergeant Major Scully during Canadian Jump School. Located outside Edmonton, the school was segregated into French and English speaking. Scully ran the English side. He was average height but built with a thick chest that gave him a permanent lean forward. One day the head of the French side disappeared and a young French Canadian walked up to Scully and asked him something... in French. Scully took the last cigarette out of a box of Export A's, threw the empty box at the kid which bounced off his helmet and yelled, "Chevrolet Coupe! That's all the effing French I know!" Scully used another word for effing but you get the point.
Traditional clothing has always borrowed from the military. "Inspired" is a word I'm fond . It bothers me to no end when a designer steals insignia men died wearing. Why steal unit insignia when the history of the military is so full of ideas that, like the Stable Belt, a civilian version can be done with taste and respect. Hell, I think the consumer would think more of the apparel if he was clued into it's past. You build loyalty as well as a relationship. Just ask the Scots about single malts.
Single Malts have a fanatical base of supporters who take distillery tours and spend small fortunes on something they're gonna drink and waz only a couple hours later. I must admit to having a thing for Laphroaig and it's home, Islay. Haven't been there yet but I do see the attraction. To taste a place...that French word (pardon me, SGM Scully), terroir...which I can never say without feeling like an asshole...That's what Laphroaig is all about. Smokey and peaty like the sky in this You Tube video. The taste of the sea- - like raw oysters and a cold Manzanilla Sherry. Man, that's living. I always enjoyed Laphroaig with a cigar but it's getting almost impossible nowadays. Still, it's probably better that way. Come the right moment - - it'll be appreciated.
Good stuff. As if Fridays weren't the best day of the week already, Friday Belts is the icing on the cake.
Wondering... I've been searching for a good regimental tie, belt, watchband, combination to co-opt.
Is it appropriate to pay tribute to a parent or sibling? My sister goes to an Ivy League school and my brother is a Green Beret.
Be careful on the mix of tie, belt and watch and never let a woman do it for you. Never match but contrast colors. I've worn my Sub since 1977 so I have no experience with watch bands though I do like the ones at J Press.
If a Rep tie is Blue and Red and it's summer I might go with a solid Yellow surcingle belt or Navy with yellow stripe braces. Try a Red with yellow stripe watch band or YEllow band with blue stripe(s). Anything that does not match the other but compliments the colors. Look through the design section of a book store and you'll see a number of books on color used in graphic design - - Take those same colors you like and apply to your tie, belt and band.
My Dad was a Green Beret and I would never wear anything related to them. That's just me. I also didn't make it through the qualification course. I would feel the same about an Ivy league school. But that's me. I would want to avoid the stumbling answer if someone asked me if I was in SF or when I went to Priceton. "No, I didn't go but my sister did." That's horrible. Unlike the guy who asked me in at a shoe shine if I was in the Canadian Airborne since I was wearing that sweat shirt. "No, but I went to the school while I was in the US Army and served with them briefly and got my wings." He smiled and told me he was an officer in the Canadian military and it was like a home coming. That's nothing better when that happens.
Good call.
I don't really want to be playing dress up.
I found myself browsing these accessories and saw some labeled by their regiments and schools. I felt a bit like a dude getting a tattoo of a Chinese character based on how cool it looked rather than what it meant.
What's a civilian, state college grad to do, but pick the prettiest colors I suppose.
I always wanted to wear The Blue Max ever since I saw George Peppard in the movie of the same name. One must hold back basic instincts.
quick question, i really like that belt you've got on in the pic. is that J. Press or what name does the single buckle version go by?
I found it at Rugby a year or so ago. Brooks did them back in the 80s but haven't seen them there in a while. Press has nothing like this currently but it's right up their alley.
my butt smells
Like the sea at low tide.
Dan Ackroyd about Eddie Murphy in "Trading Places"..."he's wearing my HARVARD TIE"...
I heard one time that the rep ties we all have that are "old school" colors from the English universities have stripes that run the wrong way to show they are not "really" school ties. Is that true?
I also had to fight to resist wearing a Blue Max after seeing George Peppard in that great movie. Mainly because of that love scene with Ursula Andress which is still one of the great ones in my book. Of course ANY scene with Ursula Andress was a great scene. Anyway, after I became a WWI nut the Blue Max sort of lost its luster for me. Ursula didn't.
True about the ties. Ours run from the right to left - - Brits run the opposite. Hence, our right in, "cough", our inspiring their tradition.
George played Bruno Stachel and Ursula played Katie. A great book by Jack Hunter, a teacher I had in college and a not too shabby film made in Ireland but they killed Bruno in the movie. Jack didn't kill him until after the 3 book trilogy: The Blue Max, The Blood Order and I can't remember the last one or was it the second on?
I interviwed Jack Hunter and he told me how he based Stachel on a German officer he met as a counter intelligence agent during the war. "A thug...but in evening clothes" was how Jack described this man he came to know for years afterwards. Always in his mind during his PR years with DuPont, Hunter never forgot him and started writing his 1st novel late at night on legal tabs with pencil so as not to disturb his wife's sleep. More inspiration for lawyers everwhere.
Certifiable? Got bonafide, fancy gold foil stamped, deckle edge vellum release papers autographed by multiple-acronymed Vienna trained specialistes says otherwise. You'd be near certifiable too ifin you juggled default swap stradles tween your ears whilst amuzin' yerself with string theory machinations.
I know Kauffman Saddlery closed years ago but is there still a Miller Harness in Manhattan? Better tack shops often stock a variety of surcingle belts, or did so when 1 wore a younger man's clothes. Shirley there's one a stones throw from that big park somewheres. ? ?
Re: Carolina Blue. Whaza difference twixt Carolina, Columbia(NYC) and Cambridge(UK) blues? Jus axin. jg
Back in the days when I sold wine, I was constantly saying "Terrior", and a million other words that made me feel like an asshole.
That was funny.
jg- Great idea. Will check Millers out. Powder blue is still a little cheesey no matter where it's from but I admit to liking it too much. I was Infantry after all.
Giuseppe- Thanks for coming by. I know you're busy. "Tastes like the dirt" was always my preference when I had a good red Burgundy but I didn't have to sell it.
A knew a guy that used the term "Blueberry Cowshit" to sell Chateauneuf du Pape. Always found that to be an honest and accurate term.
Nice post. Here's a company that has a great selection of military belts, watchstraps, ties, etc. All reasonably priced and all very good quality -
If you like the stuff at J. Press I guarantee you'll like this - they are connected.
State Line Beverage, adjacent South Of The Border, off I-95 @ NC/SC border has a Chapeau Joaquin Vertical Set in a leatherette box temptingly priced @ $29.87 thru Wednesday. Somebody goofed. Tuesday's double coupon day. They take phone orders ifin ya talk reel slow an don't get actin' speeryor. Wonderful acompanymint to thier pate de cynge noir whore d'Urves @ $7.85 kilo. MmmMmm Yummy! jg
A boss article, and a timely one too, to remind us that military inspired chic can still be easy on the eye. Sadly, this side of the pond, it manifests itself in cut off combat pants and t shirts with skew whiff slogans, written by someone for whom English is not their primary language - '100% Clearwater Polo Team - Death or Glory Big Boy' etc.
Re. the knotty problem of matching tie and accessories. There is nothing worse, in my opinion, than a matching tie and pocket screams Father's Day gift, and usually comes as part of a set, perhaps with a leather look key fob, pewterised tankard or personalised golf tees. I like a pocket hankie to coordinate (but not match) with a tie, or, steady now, be of the same fabric as the shirt (although this can mean you look like Stan Laurel, when he tugged his shirt through the hole in his top pocket).
As for watchbands - only women, in my opinion, should worry about coordinated watchbands. Watchstraps are integral to the watch not the wardrobe.
Keep on keeping on,
Jonty F
I took a whisky tasting course here in Victoria, lead by Mike Nicholson, former manager of Lagavulin. An excellent sort of fellow...and he brought 16-year Laphroaig with him.
This blog is racist. All white people
my butt smells.
Anon 14:00,
I'll add that to anti-semitic, misogynst, fascist, gay and metrosexual.
Anon 14:11,
I think one, "my butt smells" will suffice.
I don't know if Anon 1400 is joking but I recall that someone actually did accuse polo of 'racism' because of the 'ivy league look' of their olymic uniform.
What i found more repulsive, or, perhaps, symbolic, the polo logo was bigger than the AAU shield.
i swear converse was re-issuing vintage belts like this (like the military one, with two buckles)..i saw a few come up on ebay. tempting, ofc it's harder for a guy to wear a wide double buckle belt. easier for a girl.
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