I'm not sure what I like more. The wallpaper, the woman or the door. She's the Vicomtesse de Rosiere. The photo was taken by Slim Aarons in 1957. She's a beautiful blonde. And that's a damned nice door. But that wallpaper is hitting 12 on the, "I wish I could have it but not in a million years" meter.
What a great shot...the blonde, the door, and the wallpaper....It can be the title of an interesting story.
Could it be painted on the wall? I see a lot of fresco paintings in homes. It's really quite charming. The beams on the ceiling are a nice touch, too.
Amazing how in the '50s women knew how to be sexy without peeling most of their clothes off.
To the artwork - If you're a Vicomtesse, you're more likely to call in Al Fresco to paint a mural on your wet plaster. That's my bet.
You may be right although hand painted wallpaper was very popular amongst those who could afford it. Scalamandre had some stuff that reminded me of this. Also, there's a beautiful room at Winterthur with hand painted wall paper. Most of it was of an oriental inspiration.
I covet the historic house down the street with the mural in the dining room depicting the view of Kennesaw Mountain (from that room) at the time the house was built.
The door with the rivets and the columned arch, it's Moroccan. I photographed them all over that country's cities north of the Atlas Mountains. The wall art might be working a southern Spain thing (a depiction of medevil Cordoba or somewhere like that).
Morocco's history is intimately tied to Moorish Spain, and that form of exotica was not lost on decorators and photographers of the post-war period. The photograph could easily have been made in either country. -D.B.
Thanks, DB. My call as wallpaper appears to be out the door or is it, "out the Moors." A ha, ha, ha.
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