Before True...
I don't need this pressure on...

The Roof Gardens. Friday night. Chatting and chatted up while a white swan swims by. Champers. B&H Golds. Take the tie off while Totty Tay dances off. "You got a Corrado, mate?" Strobe lights on a bump friendly dance floor. More like grind friendly. What does legover mean? Hmmph? And then she told me. Three o'clock in the morning. Stand in line for coats. Lights are turned on. Outside feeble cold chills sweaty hair and I know... I'll never. Forget.

Cool post. I love S.B.
That's *you*, Tinseth?
I say you put more pics of yourself up from this era. Almost as enjoyable as that shot of your college IDs a couple months ago.
Did you have a band kind of like LCD Soundsystem?
I wanted to be Tony Hadley - or Martin Fry (who both really wanted to be Brian Ferry - and who wouldn't). Dusty memories of a high school dance, my first girlfriend and SB... I'll have to spin up the old Thorens tonight and give some SB vinyl a turn.
Love this post. I worked for many years at Visa's European headquarters which was downstairs from the Roof Gardens in Kensington. Sadly, we did not share a lift.
Martin Kemp: "I'm not really a musician. I belong in a club dressed as sharp as a razor. That's the thrill – just being there at 3am, excited by where you are and the people sharing the night with you."
Another fine post Tintin. And thanks Antony Price starting with the work for Roxy Music & Bryan Ferry in the early 1970's. That saved me from years of poor attire in the sartorially challenged 70's.
Doug in Philadelphia
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