1. Currently in the lead

2. A close second

3. A distant third. Called 'Snotty' by one voter and 'In your face' by another.

4. No votes so far.

5. Batik with no votes.

6. I'm not sure why I liked this.

7. Very 'Marimekko.' A personal favorite.

8. Very '1969.' I think my mother had this in a bell bottom.

9. Not really GTH but more, 'WTF.'

10. My choice to pair with a white dinner jacket.

11. Flowers not Eiffel (although...)

12. Bees might be attracted to this
What two would you choose? Time, place and occasion are important. Drinking on the beach. Eating on the beach. Dancing on the beach. Having sex on the beach. And the all encompassing, Party on the beach.
Update: No one does GTH like Bud Collins. Click here to see 25 of Bud's favorite trousers.
Votes: Three way tie for 1st place between 2, 5 and 10 with 9 votes each. 1 follows with 5. 6 & 7 are tied with 4.
Number 2 and number 10. Which are similar patterns, since I know what I like and have long since abandoned hope of being cool or non-boring in any way. That said, those two patterns would cause me to come closer, and perhaps want to touch the fabric. I am now an old lady, but this would have been the case even when I was young, blonde, and full of potential.
How bad can pants be if they make pretty blondes want to touch you?
don't need pants for sex on the beach.
number 10 wins.
I simply cannot escape the idea that any of these would be like wearing one of my father's 70's polyester ugly ties as pants. In my mind, just the idea of pants being red is G.T.H. enough.
Maybe I'm just not in a position to tell anyone where to go and am simply bad on taking advice as to what to wear.
That being said, if you produced a pair of pants with nothing but a polo logo on each back pocket, the BIG pony of course, I would fall all over myself voting to see you wear those.
I have to admit, out of all of them, I like the pink with the knots. That's just me though. Your first choice is really solid. I do like the second too. #9 reminds me too much of Tommy Bahama, not a big fan. I do also like #11. I think they would make a great pant.
Back to #1 though. I think that's your best for having sex while eating and drinking at a dance party on the beach. How breathable is the material? And you may want to make sure they are break-aways.
Regardless, please make #6 into a pant. I love that design and color. I would definitely sport that!
#4 is the ticket. It's sorta phallic in its own way.
You will not find topics or such followers as these over at THE PIONEER WOMAN COOKS.
TinTin....can I change my suggestions to #2 and #10 please? LPC makes a good point with the whole blonde/touching thing....
So, all of those compliments you gave my Barn Door colored pants were just to make me feel better? Thank goondess they are too big now. I may just buy another pair and follow you around for the day.
I also had no idea the polo logo was a pony. This is kind of dissapointing to me.
I like no 7 - agree very Marimekko. For some reason it feels a tad James Bond in You Only Live Twice. Mr. Connery could do it all on the beach.
I vote for 9 for day wear at the beach cabana bar having a Mai Tai and 10 for evening wear. While they are worn at all, that is.
9 calls out to my inner Trader Vic and WTF is me all the way. Number 10 is just way too cool.
I also have a weakness for the pink with the knots but it is too reserved to compete with the others.
And people say I'm flamboyant?
2 & 7
2 is good.
I like the color and pattern of 5, but you couldn't wear it with a navy blazer, so it's out.
6 has the nautical thing going for it, and is more of a traditional GTH color.
The rest are frightening.
So #2 or #6 from me!
#5 - for all the beach reasons and would go well with a J. Press blazer.
6 & 10....
For me, it's a toss up between numbers 1 and 2. Assuming these are for a beach getaway, I'd say pale and subtle wins my vote. Sure, subtle isn't exactly GTH but you can still make it work. Number 5 would work well if you could find it in a pale blue or pale green shade. Also, I prefer the smaller repetitive patterns over the big bold flowers. The smaller patterns create interest and make people want a closer look, while the big honkin' flowers just look kitschy.
I like #3 "Snotty/In Your Face" the best for beach partying.
3 or 5
Egads, how about none? The flower prints are retro-1970s floor-length dresses for women (think Karen Carpenter)...and suitable only if one wears a kaftan. The knots fabric of #6 "might" be attractive as a tie...but hot pink? I could see the Venetian masquerade ball fabric of #10 as a somewhat "louche" vest. The blue batik of #5 would do as trousers, but only if the cut is on the hip and has bell bottoms (love beads optional).
Nos. 8 and 11 have park the VW, get baked and have sex on the beach written all over them. Can you do a patchwork?
I love 6! I'm surprised only 2 people think that way. The color gives the pop, and the pattern draws the eye.
6 - can also be worn when you are not going to hell.
7 - YES!
10 and 11
I am with the Farmer. I vote for #6 followed by #5 although 6 looks a little heavy. I actually dig the blue batik the more I type.
Not sure, but I think number 1 (and my personal favorite also) is a Sisters Gulassa pattern. They are awesome pattern designers. Their site is here. You will fall in love with everything!
Few more votes for 6. I think they'd be a hit....especially if there is a dock nearby.
No. 2
allthough the R.D.P.P. (rococo disco party pants) seem very appealing too.
Bet you money 6 wins. Looks like something Vineyard Vines would crank out with that idiot whale on a back pocket. 1&2 speak to good taste but 2&10 speak to blondes who taste good.
Pattern number 10 so "subtly" hollers G.T.H. and "Yeah, I know you can't stop looking at me" that I'll take two pairs (b/c one would always be lost the some sand dune).
And while number 4 looks a like love child between Arafat's turban and one of Don Ho's back-up singer's costumes, it speaks to me like an Eleutherian sun-rise.
All that said, EVERY pattern here reminds me of this Jimmy Buffett song- Altered Boy
Mahalo. Jack.
#5 is the only one I really like & could imagine wearing. If I have to make a 2nd choice, I'd say #2.
im all about #3
#5 will wear for many seasons
#12 will have great impact.
re: #10, do you really want people on your ass?
DIY? OMG! You're sewing now? At last, the fashionista turns recessionista!
I'll add up the scores tomorrow and may have a surprise for all of you. A winner will be announced and a prize will be given. No, it's not a pocket square.
Cinq. 'Nuff said.
2 and 5 are the first to grab me. I think they will look good today, and 10 years from now. Some of the patterns look like they were plucked off the curvy figure of a Love Boat lush, which may be the look you are going for. If so, wear them with pride and a smile.
BTW: the knotty pink is pretty great as well.
tintin, #1 for trousers. #5 for bermuda shorts. I know you said two, but I think that #1 is perfect for trousers, with a navy jacket or a tan silk jacket. #5 for Bermudas and it will go with go equally well with white, blue, pink, even green polos and button-downs. Just my 2 cents. Cheers.
I love #2, but okay, this is about you. And it's about going big, very big. #1 & 2 are furniture prints, pillow prints for beach homes. #3 is kimono material, although extremely aggressive. #4 is simply atrocious, so I suppose in that sense a contender (apologies to Uncle Loony.) 5 is for shirts or for bermudas as HTJ suggested. 6 would be more at home on the golf course, though as a small print these would work. But 7 & 8 have got it all. Beautifully designed, but not too pretty, flamboyant yet deceptively subtle. In your face in a good way. 9 screams shirt, so it might be funny to make pants from the material. 10 whoa. 11 just not as sophisticated a choice. 12 is another shirt pattern, actually not bad.
#5 for good, all-around Summer GTH pants. Would get lots of wearings out of them due to color and pattern.
#1 would be second choice. A bit wilder than 5.
#7 the reddish-orange and yellow somehow says Ronald McDonald. Might compete with the tintin famous Lillys also.
Tom Buchanan
TinTin - Damnit! I needed a pocket square!
6 & 10
siiiiix and teeeeen.
Of course that puts you with two pinks.
But still - 6 and 10!! :)
1 and 12 are loud, while at the same time being aesthetically pleasing. 10 is insane and should only be worn when trying to scare someone on illicit substances.
Bud is the man! I have no idea why, but I would wear the hell out of the pants he's wearing in picture 10.
Let me just add that Bud is the man. Missed him this past weekend watching the French Open. It's just not the same coverage w/o him and his crazy outfits. Tintin, nice aspirations! Cheers.
I'll narrow it down to a 2 way tie and say either 2 or 5....however, still extreme dissapointment in 6....still think you should make a pair....I'd buy em.
Those are some loud pants, Bud. Trad Zoobahs? Go#4!
I wrote a song.
"If you're going to the US Open
be sure to wear some flowers on your pants."
Go #4!
A bridge too far tintin. They look curtains in a Bessarabian brothel.
1, 2, 5, and 10
awesome awesome awesome.
Voting for the De Sadean #10. I'll be pairing it with a white linen shirt and a pair of well-worn cordovan Weejuns. I'll also be going "commando."
3 by a length! come on folks, maybe its the Giants fan in me but that orange does it.
#10 without a question. I'd love a pair of those for the summer.
Trad or dandy pants? Time to stick with Bills
Or Might I suggest some vintage Nantucket Map/Moby Dick fabric that I own. -I'd gladly donate a couple of yards to the cause!
Two looks very nice!
Are you sowing these yourself or getting them made in the city?
So many choices! Maybe I am too practical, but I suspect I would wear #10 more than any other.
Batik seems underrated today. Maybe you can help stage its come back.
The Nautical knots seem to have a nice vintage Chipp vibe about them.
#2. A fine choice and one that I'd love to sport around the lawn parties in Richmond.
Wonderful story on Bud. Thanks.
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