I've been going by the recipe in the 'Essentially Lilly" cook book for years. Well, ever since it came out in '04. Nice pictures of Lilly in that book. I swear I hit on her at the Conch House in St. Augustine, FL around 1983. She left me standing in the parking lot and waved goodbye as she drove off in a Rolls Corniche. I'm not sure it was her but my heart tells me it was.
If you're going to a party this week - - I suggest you bring your own nuts. Here's a great recipe from Lilly P's book with my alterations:
Half stick of unsalted butter (I've done this with salted and unsalted - didn't seem to matter)
1/2 C of sugar ( Cut Lilly's half cup in half. Is that a 1/4 cup? I dunno)
1/4 C of water (Again, half it)
1 tablespoon garam marsala (double it)
1/2 teaspoon salt (or not if using salted butter )
3 1/2 C Pecan halves (Make it 4C)
Melt the butter in a medium sauce pan and add the sugar, water, garam marsala and salt (or not) to the mix over medium heat while dissolving the sugar.
First posted 28 December 2009
For nuts with HEAT add-
1/2 tablespoon of cayenne
1 teaspoon chili powder
Reduce for a minute and dump your nuts in the sauce pan. Coat them as best you can. You may need help some help with this. Once coated, spread your nuts on a glass baking dish and pop in a 350 degree oven turning the dish every five minutes for 15 minutes.
After taking your nuts out of the oven they'll need to cool. But before they get too cool you'll need to scrape your nuts up and toss them in a bowl. Then you're ready to bring your nuts to the party. If you did this right -- people are gonna be saying some nice things about your nuts. Somebody might say, "Hey, how do you walk with nuts like that? And you say, "Lilly taught me. Just before she left me in the Conch House parking lot.
I also highly recommend the bar nuts served at Gramercy Tavern and Union Square Cafe. Both recipes are easily found on-line and are foolproof party favorites. Enjoy!
I love this post. Lilly may just have been one of the few people who may have visited St. Augustine who could have pulled off an escape in a Rolls Corniche. Very nice um, memory.
I have to hand it to you for going after the unattainable, or at least trying. I would have just shrugged and ordered another Schlitz draft, as was befitting my general state in life at the time.
Of my current more mature state, and speaking of attainment, I'm coveting that Remington in the background. Did I see the same in one of your estate sale prior posts?
Make your own spice mixture heavy on the cardamom and everyone will want your nuts in their mouth.
SNL wants their sketch back...
Whenever I whip out my nuts at a party people just ignore them. Perhaps my nuts are too bland, or small? Not sweet enough? So I'm very excited to see your nut modifications. I'll give my nuts a makeover in gleeful anticipation of close friends and family gobbling my nuts. Especially Grandma. She's never really warmed to my nuts, but thanks to your advice I bet she spends THIS Christmas with my nuts in her eager hands.
The Conch House! You are killing me! I used to take girls there when visiting my beach house in Flagler Beach. If I could get them up in that crow's nest with a few drinks I was golden. It is still there and has not changed at all. Good times. Good nuts.
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