Contestant No. 2 - Simon-Zinc-Trumpet-Harris, He's an Old Etonian and married to a very attractive table lamp.
Contestant No. 3 - Nigel Incubator Jones, His best friend is a tree and in his spare time he's a stock broker.
Contestant No. 4 - Gervaise Brook-Hamster, He's in the wine trade and his father uses him as a waste paper basket.
Contestant No. 5 - Oliver St John-Mollusc, Another Old Etonian, his father was a cabinet minister and his mother won the Derby.
They just dont make them like this anymore... brilliant! : )
Vintage- check out the Wiki entry for Old Etonian for some amazing double-barrel names. You guys carry any Trilbys?
Actually, they do (kind of) make them like that still. Check out the Hipster Olympics on Youtube youtube.com/watch?v=kAO4EVMlpwM
Oyster Guy - I saw that video, like so long ago..
Of course, Sargent! Just looking out for the less hip Specialists, Sargent.
Oyster Guy- You must've been an officer. Sergeant T.
PS I wore Filson in the womb.
The names of the Twits was probably the funniest thing in the sketch....Thanks for the mention...I hope you read my deer camp piece...
A friend of mine did one of these (one in London, I think?). Here is a part of his email to me:
"I showed some pictures to my father and he said that the last time he saw arm-bands being worn over tweed jackets was when people were also hurrying out of the cities on bicycle, but it was during the early 1940's".
Trump card.
MLS is right.. the names are the best. My vote is for "Gervaise Brook-Hamster".
Main Line- Zinc-Trumpet-Harris sounds like a new line of toiletries from London.
I seen the deer camp. It's a keeper. Every one, go on over to Main Line's blog and see what it's like to be in a deer camp. But why didn't you tell some of the dirty stories?
I still can't spell...I blame wrestling with four languages : British English,Canadian French, American English, and Canadian English.
YWP- Nicely done, Dad.
This is my problem w/ everything RL touches. A great apparel aesthetic is turned into douche-bag-central by overkill.
It's like covering an 18th century wing chair in alligator. Whoops, they've already done that.
If things continue to go the way they're going...I don't doubt for a nano-second there will be a R.L. Douche Bag Store on Wooster Street in 2021.
Oyster Guy - I know the problem. I speak British, Canadian, American and Carolinian. "Fixin' to sort out my day, eh?"
As for RL, I had a thought the other day about how they could increase sales and improve the bottom line. RL should offer the same items WITHOUT the logo and labels AND charge $5 MORE. Whadayathink?
Oyster Guy- I'd pay $10 if they removed it while I waited.
Jeff P - It's not Cafe Flesh but it'll do.
Oyster Guy - BMW de-badged cars (factory order only) cost a little more than the badged ones. I think.
I ran myself over on my way to work today, I do not see the humour, at all, in this...
Several years ago, I scored a 100% cashmere RL Polo polo-style sweater at TJ Max for $20. The kicker: no logo.
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