I'm clunky enough as it is. I got clunky eyebrows, a clunky butt, clunky hair and a clunky gut. Nothing about my body is smooth anymore. But, I once was smooth... in places ... when I was young. Maybe that's why young people are enamoured with Trickers. They're smooth and they need some clunk. The UK made shoes & boots are built like a brick shit house and look like something a mailman would wear.
I told that to a friend of mine from London back in the '80s. Mutley called 'em Trompers. Not sure if that was a model or if it was just slang for Trickers in general. You'd see a few around the underwriting room at Lloyd's of London. They were Punk with a bit of the Wide Boy about them. Grahame Fowler and Chuka had a Trickers show last week. You can be sure Nick Wooster will be back for a pair or two...I wish he'd buy some socks while he's there.

My favorite boot is this Justin Roper with a riding heel. Pointy toed boots are a bigger turnoff than Trompers but the Roper has a simple rounded toe. They're the color of my coffee and I'm not too proud to confess they were ordered, Style # 50025, from J Peterman in 1993. They're smooth as all get out. You're not gonna walk very far in 'em, but they're not made for walking. They're best for riding Western and these have seen some riding.

I took lessons as a kid. First, at the Air Force Academy and later with my sister from private stables close by. On my birthday she and a couple instructors locked me in a tack room. It was about 105 degrees in August. Flies swarmed around saddles and blankets thick with horse sweat and funk. After about 10 minutes I thought I was gonna throw up. They all thought that was pretty funny and laughed for about as long as Grahame and Chuka did when I showed them the Imperial Leather soap I bought for $6.

Sometimes I'll catch the whiff of horseshit by Central Park and be reminded of riding in Winter. A gallop through the snow -- just as smooth as these old boots. Every Fall I tell myself I'm gonna get back in the saddle but I never do. Maybe 'cause I'm afraid I'd like it too much.

I don't think you need to ride to wear Cowboy boots. Just go easy. Boots, jeans, cable knit sweater... skip the hat.
If you're young and need some Clunk - Grahame will sort you out here. New ones are being added as I type. Sadly, the Justin #50025 is no longer available.
clunky butt? sympathy cruise, buttercup?
no. way too shiny.
Anon- Thanks for the offer.
Dallas- Possible to be smooth and unpolished? I guess Glenn Beck is.
Justins are quality boots...well made...reasonable price. I have 2 pairs and love 'em. Ariat not bad either.
My great grandfather was a stableman in Central Park.
Love my Justin boots and my Ariat ropers, they wear like iron.
polish your dress shoes, not your boots.
ariat makes good boots. only polish they've seen is cope spit and farm animal shit.
Dallas, my good man--a dude needs a BBQ rig.... btw, Luchese makes similar boots to that Justin model.
Justin makes a great boot. First ones I owned, in fact, were Justins. They lasted a long time. I've gotten into a couple pairs of Luccheses these past few years. Next stop, custom, but that's a ways off. I really do like that pair you've got.
Loved this one. You rock, Tin.
love boots!
Ha! I've worn ropers since 8th grade. Great boots.
I agree with Dallas that the wear of a boot, especially on the inside by the stirrup, is a shame to cover in polish.
The Ariat is everywhere nowadays and I dislike that little tongue that sticks out but I hear they're the best boots made.
Rowe- Where's the book?
Monica- Nice sheets.
GSV- I'm pretty sure we're the same person.
Big Dudes Need Bog Shoes. Trickers Por Vida.
Tone Loki- I understand from recent conversations with two young ladies from London that 'Wide Boy' no longer has negative connotations. In fact, they both said it's a positive. Can this be true?
With respect for your marvelous blog:
Your boot as shown is a walking heel. The photo labeled 14th Street is a riding heel.
Before the Soviet invasion, Afghans were horsemen and took pride in heels so tall they couldn't be walked in.
Lucchese 1883s are a very comfortable and handsome dress boot.
Affordable custom boots are available from Champion Attitude. They also serve the entertainment trade but don't be put off. They have old, deep roots and make excellent boots. (CABOOTS.com)
Anon- I'd say he has something between a walking heel and a riding heel. This is a walking heel:http://www.sidmashburn.com/shop/footwear/lucchese-classic-roper.html
If something is a roper by definition it does not have a riding heel, it has a walking heel. The heel shown is a bit taller than most ropers, but much lower than a real western riding heel.
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