I can't walk through this place without thinking of people I knew in the Army. Names I still remember, but better, the characters whose names I forgot -- Sometimes before I even got out. These memories can come out of nowhere. Cued up by a smell, a stenciled box of rations, the feel of a poncho liner or stories from another soldier.

Mudbone had a nobility despite his life being as bad it was. Maybe he just didn't give a shit. Which is ironic. Mudbone shit in his pants on almost every jump I made with him. We'd be hooking up static lines and suddenly, from somewhere in the plane, there was that unmistakable whiff of Mudbone.

A week before he left, I saw him endure more harassment than I endured in my four years. A moment didn't go by that a Drill wasn't screaming in his face, hitting him on his helmet liner with a cleaning rod or just sucker punching him in the gut. And, egged on by the Drills, we fucked with him too. One night on Fire Guard I watched him sleeping in his bunk. He lay there like a peaceful mummy on his back. His hands perfectly folded on his chest. I thought it took balls. He didn't give up on giving up.

A SSgt in the 82nd asked me to join him in asking a couple ladies to dance at the main post enlisted club. We stood at their table. He asked. They looked up at us, shook their heads and went to back their conversation. He interrupted and asked if we could join them.
A blonde with Farrah Fawcett hair said she didn't think so and turned back to her friend. The SSgt interrupts again and asks if we can buy them a drink. The blonde is pretty pissed off at this point, looks up at us and says sure. "Fuck You!" the SSgt screams and walks away. Leaving me at their table. I look at them and smile. They go back to their conversation.
Later that same night, he unzipped his fly at our table and told me to move my boots. After which, he urinated under the table. I'd run into many more like him. A craziness that was OD Green. If something like this bothered you...? You were in the wrong place.

He had a '63 Dodge Dart that we took to the Fox Drive In on Bragg Blvd to see porno movies. We'd use the hood as a card table and played Black Jack while ignoring the movie. It wasn't until someone would yell, "Les scene!" that we'd all stop the cards and watch in respectful silence. Claggett met a wonderful woman and married before he ETS'ed. I hope he's still lucky.

While we were qualifying on the range the other battalion Drills, usually four at time, would cram into a car and ride around smoking pot. I'd watch the car return, see Stokes get out along with a cloud a smoke and another Drill would take his place. We were told the first day of Basic we would never -- never -- forget our Drills names.

Ken finds the store is mobbed with troops. He waits in line a half hour and pays for the beer. Walking out, he realizes he forgot the Doritos. He asks the girl at the register if she'll watch the beer for him. Sure, she says. And he puts the case down on her counter. When he comes back with the Doritos, the beer is gone. Ken asks where his beer is and the girl says she doesn't know adding she's pretty busy. Too busy to watch his beer.

Ken goes to the back of the store and grabs another case of beer. He stands in line for another half hour before he pays -- for the Doritos. The girl tells Ken he has to pay for the beer. "No, I don't." says Ken and he points his M16 at her head. There's a huge, "Whoa!" from the guys in line behind Ken. He looks at them. Then her, and says, "I'm leaving with my beer now." and he walks out.

People came and went in the Army. Despite those intentions of keeping in touch -- I've only stayed close to one. About once a year we get together for dinner, drink too much and remember. Sometimes we tell the same stories. Sometimes we discover something new. Something he knew that I didn't or the other way around. We do agree on one thing. We love Army Surplus Stores and there just aren't many good ones around anymore.
This gem is only a few blocks from my office and I have spent plenty of time and money there....but these anecdotes you recount are as good as anything I scored in that basement.
I can't add anything to the army stories, but what on earth are those Royal Mail jackets doing in Philadelphia?
Main Line- Thanks. It's a great surplus store. But, "...these anecdotes you recount are as good as anything I scored in that basement."
I guess most of the trad can be compared to the I Goldberg basement. Lots of stuff nobody really needs.
Sir Flutter- Who knows but they're great looking and dirt cheap. That's what's so great about Goldbergs. You never know what the hell you're gonna find in that basement. That Swedish Field Desk blew me away. Loaded with supplies as well.
This is great. Thank you so very much for sharing. I will have to take a trip down from campus to this rather precarious gem you have unearthed for us.
How did I miss the basement? I loaded up on gear there before heading to USMC OCS. It was during pickup that I realized I didn't need 95% of it. The basement is now on my to-do list before shipping to TBS. Reading this blog has put a serious hurting on my wallet. Thanks?
Really, I have nothing to add here, but I heard there was a Philly party going on so I had to chime in.
"Yo Adrienne!"
Wait... is this post more Rambo?
Chicks dig me, because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it's usually something unusual. But now I know why I have always lost women to guys like you. I mean, it's not just the uniform. It's the stories that you tell. So much fun and imagination.
My philosophy: a hundred-dollar shine on a three-dollar pair of shoes.
We're all very different people. We're not Watusi. We're not Spartans. We're Americans, with a capital 'A', huh? You know what that means? Do ya? That means that our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world. We are the wretched refuse. We're the underdog. We're mutts!
Here's proof: his nose is cold! But there's no animal that's more faithful, that's more loyal, more loveable than the mutt. Who saw "Old Yeller?" Who cried when Old Yeller got shot at the end?
I've always been kind of a pacifist. When I was a kid, my father told me, "Never hit anyone in anger, unless you're absolutely sure you can get away with it."
John Winger-
I went to this doctor. Well, he told me I swallow a lot of aggression... along with a lot of pizzas! Ha Ha Ha! Pizzas!
I'm basically a shy person, I'm a shy guy. Uh, he suggested taking one these uh, aggression training courses. You know these aggression training courses like EST, those type of things. Anyway, it cost 400 bucks! 400 bucks to join this thing?
Well I didn't have the money and I thought to myself, "Join the army"! It's free. So I figured while I was there I'd lose a few pounds. And you know what? I did.
You would post his a week AFTER I was in Philly. Sheesh!
Here's a Navy story about a guy that never "gave up on giving up". This guy made up a foot injury, went to Medical at least once a week complaining about his foot pain. They could never find anything wrong, but eventually he wore them down and they granted him a Medical Discharge, including some crazy thing like 10% disability! Sent him to Norfolk for a few weeks while his paperwork cleared and gave him some skate duty like checking IDs at the mess hall.
One night a few of his buddies convince him to help them rob an apartment, the police arrive and find him crawling out a window with a TV, 2 weeks later he's out of the Navy with a Big Chicken Dinner.
If you ever venture North from your Manhattan lair, I mean far North, there is an Army/Navy in Saranac Lake, NY called "Major Plowshares."
This joint also has a great variety of real surplus stuff from all over the Globe. When we are up in the area in the Summer I cannot pry my son out of there...
Surplus is too expensive now, sugar cookies.
I work in the Wanamaker building and this is directly across the street - I have found some treasures down there. military issued wool commando sweaters for $5,wool watch caps for less than $5.
Paul Simon's song 'Baby Driver' comes to mind. I went to a Rolling Stones concert in Stuttgart in 1976 where 75% of the audience were soldiers from the various US bases (Patch, Robinson etc., etc.) around the city. Obviously one would not expect them to be up to British Army standards, and they weren't..., but even the Germans thought they were idiots. Kasserine Pass.
These stories remind me of the "advice" from Petty Officer Griffith en route to Juneau AK in July of 1987 about being a good sailor: "Three things make a good sailor 1) Drinking 2) Using some form of tobacco product and 3) Not being afraid of getting the clap from some hook.
He was busted from E6 to E4 after the first night of liberty for stealing a police car in town.
Farmer Jones- Sorry about the timing. Man, I hate when that happens to me. The insanity of working with a diverse group of people in a very large organization is one of life's real miseries. I wish the draft would come back so more people could experience it. The misery that is.
Main Line- Sounds wonderful. They sell any tanks?
Anon- Sugar cookies came in the B-1 C ration.
Marl- A guy from the 22nd SAS swapped me his commando sweater for a set of my Woodland pattern fatigues. I thought I came out ahead but that was one itchy sweater.
Admiral Crap- They weren't idiots. They were stoned. Germany was a Crap assignment (how ironic) for anyone in the Army in '76. Drugs were everywhere. I knew guys who were scared shitless of heights and who went on jump status just to avoid assignment to Germany.
Paul- I'm not sure why sailors get into trouble. They eat better than any branch. Most of 'em have air conditioning. They have women on board. I guess it's just the anchor cranker tradition.
I had to keep coming back over the past few days to read this post, and I loved it! Sort of like the blog version of War & Peace. Well, poor analogy but you know what I mean.
I wish you would continue to write over at your Brat blog, too.
We had Harry's in Ann Arbor for years.... no more. Van Boven doesn't really sell trad anymore. Like you say TinTin, "Not as good as it was. Better than it will be."
Great post. Most soldiers I know who didn't suffer major combat miss the camaraderie and even some who did do too.
Ben- Thanks for the compliment on the Brat blog. I'd like to get back to it but the time isn't right. I hope it will be soon. Thank you for following it and for wanting it back.
Chuck- It was, and I didn't even know it, one of the best times in my life. I think it had something to do with not making a buck. You know? That work you do for next to nothing but it means more than anything you'll ever do for $. There's honor in that. Some dignity too. But the toilet paper is very rough.
I still subscribe to Freud's premise; "the ability to love and work are the measure of human fulfillment". You gotta have both to be functional.
I have been looking the World Wide Web for this information and I want to thank you for this post. It’s not easy to find such perfectly written information on this topic.
Hi...It’s hard to find knowledgeable people on this topic, but you sound like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks for sharing this with others.I really like your post.
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