You meet people in your life and sleep through most of 'em. And then you meet people who wake you up, make you laugh and you share a connection...no matter how embarrasing. Mordechai from, Mr Mort and I shared laughs over pink shirts and photography. Mordechai is a brilliant shooter and a damned fine tie designer. I bought his Chipp inspired, "F**KYOU" tie because it's one of the best cussin tie designs I've ever seen. The man is a genius.
The Pop Up Flea was so much better than last year. Congratulations to all involved in putting it on. I think I made out like a bandit-- Lots of beat up crap that makes life worth living-- and what they sell is pretty neat too.
Its really early, I read that as: sleep WITH most of them.
Then: Ahhh. Wait, what is he saying? No, I am okay now. Seriously, I fell off my perch. Then I thought I was reading ADG.
Yes, buy any piece of apparel that turns up the f-u dial...
'cept those stupid shoes of yours, Jesus, do I hate those shoes.
5:03? AM? You need to find a place for coffee.
It was that ring that stood out to me at PopUpFlea.
And I should of came away with one of those glen plaid yarmulkes but I didn't do it.
No kidding. Lost both the coffee and the coffee crush in one fell swoop - Jax had some upside in that regard...
Something about that ring, camera and bolo all pull together kind of nice! How many of us could pull that off?
I like finding "beat up crap" for some reason. Must be from my days watching New Wave Brit bands at the clubs in the '80s... "Are those cigarette burns on the sleeves?"
where can I buy that tie??
Blushtess- No coffee in Middleburg vs coffee in Jacksonville. I know which one I would pick. By the way, nice quarters. The Navy always did live better than the Army.
Chris- They're $75. If you're still interested PM me and I'll sort you out.
Obscenity on your neck wear? Questionable.
DAM- You're right - - but wrong. Chipp designed a number of ties with vulgar expressions but they were impossible to make out unless you were very close to them. So, if you hated your boss what better way to give him the ol' up yours than wear this type of tie to his monthly sales meeting.
It's not obvious like so much of the vulgar and base tshirts one sees today. So I get your point and agree. I hope you get my point. It's kind'a like when I flipped off drill sergeants under my poncho during basic training...very satisfying.
Last time someone called me a PUF I bloodied her nose.
Really like that tie. I love subtle subversion that is masked through traditional clothing (in this case, a club tie).
Reminds me of what Barker Black did with their skull and crossbone wingtips, though the whole skull thing is quite played out.
This, I think, is very creative.
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