And why not? Look, if you're reading men's style magazines with their advice about how to dress preppy - - get the hell on outta here. No, wait. Come back. I was just kidding. I need the traffic. Besides, Tater will tell you, "it don't cost nothin" to read this blog and I hope it will give you some sartorial courage this Summer.
Hang it out there and do it in an unbranded way. Do you know how much a Vineyard Vines tie screams ersatz? Trust me. Not a good idea. Try simple reps and bright club ties this season. J Press, Brooks Brothers, Kos, J McLauglin...just a few of my favorites. Social courage my friend...It's a beautiful thing.
Trad:: advice
I like wearing striped shirts during the summer -but I love rep ties. You can see the conflict here... I don't like solid colored ties< I would love to wear something with the color of one of those striped rep ties with a striped shirt ...but not striped
(ps, i wear striped partially because I sweat like crazy during the summer - just standing in a subway tunnel I will have sweat start showing on my collar - a blue shirt - forget it)
I thought this was a men's style magazine.
Anon- Big stripes against small stripes. That is, wide reps easily pair with the narrow University stripe oxfords. I'd keep the suit or sport jacket solid although I've seen the old hands pull this off.
longwing- I don't see subscription cards falling out in your lap. But you may have given me an idea.
tintin's advice column. (Its OK if you delete this comment ;) )
Great thoughts. Keep the colors bright and simple and the drinks cool and tall. Excellent collection of ties, and hanger, btw. Social courage - carry on bravely!
If anyone read GQ this month, Will Welch had a "manifesto" on prep style. Stating that he is just biding his time waiting for people to stop dressing "preppy." He is a longtime "prepster." I don't think Louis Vuitton screams Prep ....especially there "play" on it and at 300 dollars for a pair of loafers.
Can't wait to wear my vintage Madras tie from Lord and Taylor that I found in my dads closet to the track this weekend.
Vineyard Vines...don't get me started....
Phew. Looks like you're feeling better.
Agreed. And Ben Silver.
More great advice tintin. If you'd just refrain from advocating for the violation of Laphroaig...
ET - Certainly there's not much prep about a pair of LV loafers, but are you suggesting that there's something "unpreppy" about $300 loafer? Is there a shoe that's any more of the manner than Alden tasseled mocs or leisure hand-sewns?
I was merely saying that I wouldn't trust LV to make me something inherently "preppy" Certainly, you must pay a nice price for a nice piece of clothing. In the same vein, I would not ask J Press to design me a elaborate scarf.
What if Vineyard Vines produced a custom tie for one's ISL school? Certainly that has some merit.
Paul- No advice here. Only bad stories about belts.
Heavy Tweed- Social Courage is lacking in this country. How goes it in your part of the world? From what I've seen in the magazines it's going strong.
ET- Madras from Lord & Taylor? Nice. Is that circa 1980's? I did read Will's column. He's got the 30year old, I discovered this stuff, thing down pat.
Giuseppe- Get started--get started!
Blushing- Much better, thanks. Ben Siver? Dear, you have way too much money.
Robert- Thank yuu. I think.
Anon 17:28 - Anyone can say you shouldn't. No one can say you can't.
All right, Trad, I am reading these posts backwards because I am catching up this evening... but this is yet another great nugget for the fellows. You are cracking me up.
I'd be interested in your opinions of these seersucker bow ties my wife has been making. Just started with one for me and then others started asking. She's made 50 by now, and has 25 more orders to fill.
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