The Ginger Beer Challenge - Regatta vs Barritts
We can all use a day of abstinence. And it's nice to go a day without a belt. I fell in love with side tab trousers working in London. A unique bit of tailoring usually associated with bespoke but more and more found off the rack. Perfect with braces or without.
Brits are fond of this detail where they add a clean line to their tall and butt-less bodies. I've never seen more men with less 'ass' than Brits. And they always have that haircut from 1977. Long and shaggy with side burns I haven't seen in 30 years. Shirts are always double cuff and the suit linings are bright red or hunter green. God, they know how to have fun with clothes...and they never talk about US sports...and for those two reasons alone - - I love them. Those links you see were found at Paul Stuart in Chicago. Just before an election a few years back and while they had plenty of the Donkey links --they were sold out of the elephant links. Go figure.
Bermuda is London -- but with sun. A drink that tastes like the sun, a sailboat and sex on a beach is the Dark and Stormy. Goslings Black Seal Rum and Barritt's Ginger Beer with a squeeze of lime is the Dark & Stormy. It is an amazing cocktail and has recently found favor with the hip. There are too many restaurants in NYC who will make you a Dark and Stormy with Canada Dry ginger ale and Myer's Rum. That's just obscene. These philistines are screwing around with a formula that is perfection.
Barritts is tough to find. But go to their web site and give the company a call and you'll have a damn good chance of talking to Bruce Barritt like I did. A great guy who told me where I could find his sweet nectar of the gods. Then there's this other stuff called Regatta. It's easier to find but I've recently done a comparison between the two. Regatta mixed with Goslings sucks. How's that for a Robert Parker review? But Regatta alone is a better ginger beer than Barritts. I don't know how but if you're abstaining -- you're ok with Regatta. Loooooonnnnngggggg pause--- But who in the Hell would ever drink ginger beer without Goslings?
this is my frist stop on fridays. great stuff as per us'. thx.
god damn philistines...
I always look forward to the Friday post. Once again, you have set me on a mission to find an obscure libation that is sure to be something phenomenal. My liquor cabinet is starting to get full.
I enjoy my Dark and Stormy's made with Cruzan Blackstrap rum. I'll admit I'm partial because my folks live year round on St Croix (no snowbirds here!).
Are you sure you and Michael Williams aren't dating?
Ms. P&C- Not my type. What? Is he stealing from me again?
The Dark & Stormy has been the subject of how many posts here at The Trad?
By the way, we were searching for the Designated Cocktail for the beach house were renting for a week June. The D&S shall go on the top of the list.
Trad. First, when I read "abstinence," I nearly fell from my perch and spilled my drink.
Careful with those 4 letter words, k?
Second. Beltless: You heretic. Completely unacceptable. Will consider swearing off you but will forget owing to the drink I nearly spilled over above issue.
Third. Dark and stormy made of Canada Dry? Please advise location, will form peaceful protest of old-school pirate types.
Ginger beer always makes me want to sit with my feet in the sand, singing, "Sitting in Limbo" and channeling Jimmy Cliff. Which as I am in my 50's and not close to Jamaican is quite the stretch. But a happy one.
I will be in Bermuda this summer. I will have to try one of these drinks you refer to.
Ah toast yoah belt-bereft abstinent health on this ides of May, Suh, chuggin' a stud's "red cap" gingha hale, slow-brewed and aged 53 months in Limousin White Oak sherry casks ensconced in the gingha plantation cellas of the Blenheim Palace Estates.
Having posted my comment on "the other blog site" I have to say I do like the donkey cufflinks. And I admire a man who is loyal to his beliefs, and is proud to, ahem, wear them on his sleeve.
DOTR and I are going to Bermuda in July and he confessed that he does not like a Dark & Stormy. Heretical, I know.
Actually, I think he just doesn't like the flavor of ginger, so I guess there was really no hope.
We're staying at the Rosedon again. I will report back with what's still there and what's been torn down to make way for new insurance/reinsurance companies.
Having Bermuda pangs...
MOR- Love the Rosedon. Looove it. Gotta try it since my favorite is no more. Am trying to get a business expense trip this summer but may have to bite the bullet and pay for it outta pocket. Looks like lots of Spending Voucher deals going on. D&S are not for everyone-- Many locals drink drink Coke and Black Seal but I think they're nuts. Don't forget, you can get Diet Ginger Beer over there which I have not found stateside.
allie- tell me about it. I miss my Johnny Cakes and The English Shop.
$250 on Delta out of Atlanta. Never seen it for less than $600. Times are tough, now they're having sales to vacation spots in high season.
A recent article on the D&S in the NYT indicated that Goslings and Barritts have had a falling out in their relationship. Goslings has now contracted with Polar Beverages of MA to manufacture Goslings "Stormy" Ginger Beer. Since the D&S has been the unofficial house drink at my yacht club, a few of us ran a blind taste test this past Commissioning Day. The result was that Barritts won hands down, with Regatta taking a distant second, and Goslings Stormy with a DNF. -Rich
At the SAYC Goslings came in came in DFL.
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