Getting old always has its moments. 23 years ago and this picture tells me a couple of things I remember and some things I don't. Take the watch. I think it was a Hamilton. Not sure. Positive it wasn't Army issue. Very few of these Olive Drab watches were ever issued or I never figured out how to get one. I went off post and bought this one for $10 or so at a Surplus store in Fayettville. US Government lock sets were another story. An Army buddy helped me with the paper work. "Sgt Tintin requires a lock set to secure his personal belongings." Personal use is a big no-no but Sgt. Murphy told me no one ever read the requests for lock sets so it didn't matter.
That's a J Press strap. Blue and Yellow. My favorite colors. I'm wearing it on my right wrist because, and I'm guessing, the creeping crud I picked up in Panama during Jungle Expert School was making it's scheduled summer re-appearance wherever metal touched skin. I do remember the Rolex Sub was in for an overhaul. It stayed with the jeweler nine months because I couldn't afford to pay the repair bill. When I finally went in to pick it up this guy asked me, "What, did you forget about it?" Hardly.
The Madras shirt was Jos. Bank when they still had some soul. The great thing about Madras, then and today, was it carried huge Trad-Nads while being cheap as all get out. Something important to remember while working as a GS-5 for the Park Service. Although, what is in those Macy's bags is anyone's guess. Hopefully underwear.
I love all of your pictures from the 80s - they remind me of all the great teen movies from that era. They evoke the spirit of that time, a product of that that youthful exuberance; plus, it's kind of like the missing fold out in The Preppy Handbook.
All I can say is "Nice booty shot." The end. D
That would be a lot of underwear.
Anon 16:47- I think we all had the same barber as well.
D- I'm packing a thick wallet and five hankies in those back pockets.
Longwing- I still have a couple pair in rotation.
That is the male equivalent to a padded wonder bra with a gel insert. Did you get those hankies from Victor's Secret? D
THANK YOU! Jos. Banks = Not as good as it was, better than it will be.
One relives crud in the nether region whilst on forced march by discreetly fading to the rear and, ah, skipping. Uh, not this stuff, that came later. > www.cocaine.org/forcedmarch.htm )Spoken as Shelby Foote(
I thought that was yo Birkin.
Le Pomme
How about that Herman's in the background?O.G. sporting goods store...
Glad I am not the only one who could not afford to get their watch out of hock at some point in time.
Only recently I found out about your blog...its very well done. I'm from Athens, Greece and although at the eighties I was very young you should be proud that you have pics from that period that look so stylish!!! :-) I think that a K.P.I. figure of Style for all of us should be fotos of 10-20 (or more) years ago...and how proud we are to show to our friends, even more to publish on the web !!! Well Done. John
P.S. K.P.I.= Key performance index, for those not familiar with the terminology :-)
I'm convinced that there was a lot more madras available in 1985 than today. Nice belt.
did you smell people's butts when U wore that strap?
Your best photo from the 80's and I get no photo credit??!? DB weigh in here on my behalf please.... ME
Issue watches, O.D. case with black face, were abundant in Viet Nam days. Most were made by Timex. Cost for them was so low they were considered as expendable. Need another; just stop by supply and pick one up. I preferred my GI watch to my Rolex. O.D. strap could be attached to a button hole. Strap and watch stayed where put, unlike Rolex, that would come loose and slide up and down when firing a weapon. Rolex crystal broke easily. Only $3 to replace back then (if you could find someone to do it).
you're like those run down old hag gay men who post pictures of themselves from 1974 trying to cruise
anon 20:18 hankies were paper towels. GS-5, remember?
Ben, The demise of Bank was a sad scene to unfold over some 20 years. A shame other retailers with less history didn't appear to pay attention andlearn from Banks mistakes.
Le Pomme - where's Tater?
foolio- these pics are more history than I could ever have imagined.
Brill Asylum- It happened more than once.
Athens- thanks for the kind words. Call it Kilo Papa India.
Sounds like a label.
Anon- 7:52 OMFG. LOL.
Heavy - lots more and bleeding to boot.
ME Shame on me. Were we on the way to the Empire?
Dad- I remember them being light as a feather. After lugging a Rolex on your wrist they didn't seem real. I always appreciate your insight and comments. So many things we never discussed. Like bow ties and Gant oxfords.
Anon 11:36. I remember my Dad telling me about a very succesful Army officer who was rumored to be gay. He told me, "I don't care if he screws Coke machines...he's one of the best." So, while I admit to being vain and straight --I have no idea what it has to do with your observation about ships.
If what's left of my pickeled memory serves me correctly, we had already been to the Empire and survived my first NYC cab ride! ME
Dang boy, you look good...
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