My ex sister-in-law needle pointed this sweater as a wedding gift almost 21 years ago. I'll always remember her even though we've never spoken since the divorce. I'll think about the superficial nature of clothes and then I wear this sweater on a Spring afternoon and am taken back to a time that no longer exists and to people I no longer know. The soul of something hand made with the power to take me back in time never ceases to amaze me.
The transportive power of handmade gifts you mention is a really good point. Love or good karma or something goes into the making of them and stays there. I guess that is why my Mom keeps all those goofy little things my brother and I made her as children.
"Needle point" doesn't necessarily jump off the page, but the fact that someone took the time to make this for you speaks volumes.
Well said! Glad that you can still wear it. I hang on to similar old handmade or near bespoke things that no longer have value to anyone except me. That no longer go anywhere. Except in my mind. On a body they no longer fit.
M Lane- That's wonderful. Reminds me everything I made for my mother fell apart within 24 hours of bringing it home. I'm not a crafty person.
DCB- Thank you for the compliment on the "needlepoint" but I understand different stitches (belts vs sweaters) have a lot to do with the look. I prefer to know not much more than that.
DB- I think by the time you and I are in our 60s any of this handmade stuff could be going for HUGE bucks. Course we'll need it to pay for the light bill and viagra.
I wrote you along comment and then deleted it again because all I'm really trying to say is this is possibly the best sweater I've ever seen and it might have even inspired me to try to recreate it for my boyfriend. Wear it with pride. Fantastic.
Gemma- Thank you. You have a very lucky boyfriend and an amazing blog.
I have done waaay more needlework than the average bear and have never seen work done on a sweater. It's beautiful!!! What a special piece to be treasured...
allie- That cumberbund you did for Babe is amazing so I take with pride your compliment. I'm trying to get the Gulf Foxtrot into needlepoint but she keeps changing the subject.
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