I love blogger's desk shots. There's that "A-ha" moment when you think, "So, that's where they do it." Not that you should ever give a crap where I do it. This is more for friends and family. Just so they understand why I can never find anything...quickly. I do find it. Just not quickly.
thanks for a peek into the inner sanctum.
Actually, I never would have pictured you with a home desk. I guess I sort of figured you did your blog from a park bench or something. Or from work after hours. Maybe in bed late at night. I like the old school nature of the cool desk and Swiss rooster poster. The whole vibe puts me in a colonial city frame of mind, as if, perhaps there's a view of Annapolis's bayfront just out of frame to the left or right.
I spy with my little eye...a Nikon lens? And methinks you carry too many gadgets in your pockets. Good to see someone still reads newspapers, too.
My Trad advice: get a blotter. A green one with leather corners will unify the clutter and break up all the "browness." Nice touch, the blog site up on the screen. Thanks.
Skorp- My sock drawer is next.
DB- Blotter? I don't even know her. A ha, ha, ha. No, seriously. Not a bad idea. That is a Nikon lens. A 50mm so I could lose the depth of field on the street. Nice piece of glass. But nothing like that 58mm 1.4 Topcon lens the old man has.
Sock drawer next? I thought now that you've shown where you write, your next post would feature where you read. Was on the edge of my seat, straining for a glimpse, so to speak.
Anon- The smallest room in the house.
Geez TinTin,
Same pile of sh*t as 25 years ago only much nicer furniture! ME ;)
The Monarch Of The Den?
ME- The only place people change is in the movies.
Anon- Great title for a movie.
from Anon 30 April, 2009 09:47
RE: The smallest room in the house
Um, that was my point...guess the "seat" and "straining" references were too obtuse.
Very atmospheric. I like. My work desk has some sense of me to it but my home desk is still too bare.
Bare? I like to think it might be neat and well organized -- both of which I know nothing about.
Great desk indeed!! And you actually seem to have everything right at hand actually. Love to see where great idea and words are written. Glad you read. You could use a fountain pen on the desk - one that you put in your blazer pocket. All the best - love your blog. =Paul
Love the messy-Waspy chic of your desk.
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