Here, the groom was wearing a nice pair of black cap toes while the fellow on your far right wore black cowbow boots. He's a Hollywood screenwriter so go figure. The man on the far left wore a black suede-like running shoe. He's a crime fiction writer. Go figure again. The groom's father wore a beautiful pair of corrected grain paddock boots. Now, corrected grain is usually a big no-no but for this event it was perfect. According to Hardy Amies, he was the only one who nailed it.
I think the man on the far left was pretty hungover at the time too.
I think his fly is down too.
Great post, Trad. Nice. Were they rented?
l.b.t. Sorry to say they were. I am now the proud owner of a Henry Poole Morning Coat so should I get married again or attend my London friends second weddings I will be properly attired.
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