If you like Public Broadcsting (and what Trad doesn't), the BBC, amazing clothes and beautiful location shots, then buy or rent this DVD set of, "Edward and Mrs Simpson" (1978) with Edward Fox and Cynthia Harris. You'll never see wardrobe like this and Fox wears his so well. Smoking jackets galore, brown chalk stripe suits with suede shoes and shirt collars so high it boggles the mind. Double breasted suits fill this TV series to the gunwales.
Mind you...there's a lot of smoking in this. Cigars, cigarettes and pipes are all smoked with an elegance of the time. Americans who whine anout the "image" of smoking should avoid this DVD at all costs. It was shot on video and 35mm (I'm guessing) which gives it a unique look. Video for the interiors and film for the exteriors. And the exteriors are amazing. As are the Art Deco sets. A real mind blower all around. The story? Eh, it's there and you already know the ending anyway. So, check it out. What have you got to lose? Other than six hours...
The finest show I ever watched - and one will want to buy it so he can watch it iver and over again. The clothes in this film are unmatched.
I bought the DVD set about a year ago and have watched it 4x. I always see something new in it. The most recent was the Prime Minister's smoking jacket. Brown with black frogging. Any clothes designer could could easily get two or three seasons outta this series.
Oh I loved this! Edward Fox, what a gentleman.
Edward Fox is the only assassin in a movie (Day of the Jackal) who wore an ascot. And mighty well he looked indeed.
Ft Sherman, Panama. Last night on post after Jungle Expert School. No one allowed a pass into the town of Cologne due to some serious problems with my battalion a week earlier. Hence, some 300 of us, paratroopers all, walked to the post movie theatre to catch whatever piece of crap they were showing. It was, "A Bridge Too Far." Fox's monolouge still gives me goosebumps. And when my fellows saw the 82nd Airborne patch on the movie screen...they let out an "Airborne" yell that came close to sending the roof into Cologne.
Day of the Jackal - agreed. A well dressed gentleman can get away with anything. ANYTHING. I admit it.
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