Contrast is everything. I can't stand matching. "You need to pick up the shirt in the tie." Old girlfriends were big on this. And they were wrong. You need contrast in clothing just like you need it in life. Six hours of a BBC miniseries can wear you down. Before you know it you're asking people to hold the lift. Asking where office drinks will be and telling your mates you're off to Spain to holiday for a fortnight with some nice Toddy you chatted up...
The Knish rides to your rescue. Hopefully, before all of your friends think you're an affected tool. I discovered the potato Knish during my first job outta college in NYC. I was looking for something in the morning that was cheap and would fill me up. The Knish off a Greek coffee cart fit that bill. After a couple of months in the city a nice Jewish girl showed me around. "Never eat Nova lox. That's for the Goyim. Always get Belly." And so it was...I learned about White Fish and H&H bagels. And I was taken here for a proper Knish. Are they Trad? Well, they are hand made. On Houston between 1st and 2nd.
do you have an email address? i saw your post on the sartorialist, and i am interested in the rugby cape (i actually have been looking for that particular item for quite some time, and finally found a lead..)
please reply with a way of getting in contact with you
hey- if you have that cape from rugby (via sart.) i'll buy it from you. lookouth (@) optonline (dot) net
Wow, my Knish post has generated nothing but interest in a Rugby Cape I bought. Never worn with tags I might add. I'm asking for $200 bucks. Shipping included. Sure, my profit is obscene but I have to know what it feels like to be Raplh Lauren... if just for a moment.
I'll talk about knishes, or at least about smoked salmon and bagels. I am fortunate enough to live near H&H, where the bagel prices are through the roof ($1.30/bagel at last count), but they're at least fresh (best when bought warm).
I must disagree with your nice Jewish girl about smoked salmon. My partner, nice Jewish boy from the Bronx, thinks that belly lox is too salty - he goes for Scottish smoked salmon, a more refined taste (if refinement is goyishe, so be it). As for goyishe, being WASP from New England (ten generations' worth, no less) make me Ultra-Shagitz.
Anon April 4th,
Shagitz... I was one for a while. But she thought I was too ferbisana for a Goy and dumped me. Although, she loved my Santa embroidered cords. I also turned her onto Thomas Wolfe's, The Web and the Rock.
i love yonah!!!! when ever i'm in NY its a must stop. i love the lower east side anyway.
though i'm having a love affair with chicago right now. should i ever move - this is where i'd go.
this is a great blog, i found you through wasp101. (which is also great!)
WDL- Lived in Chicago for 20 years (although not from there) and had a blast. Lovely people in the midwest. Unlike New Yorkers. But I'm making the best of it.
Like your wit on your blog. My sister is a librarian. But she refuses to wear bow ties.
Great Blog - the word it Totty by the way - not Toddy (maybe its the American accent!)
Is it Totty? Bloody hell, serves me right for the afectation. Cheers.
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