"This weekend, the American Airpower Museum will pay tribute to the Flying Tigers of World War II as the museum P-40 flies in special salute along with the a B-25 to mark the famous Doolittle Raid on Japan within months of Pearl Harbor.
In addition to the legends of airpower, the museum will field an entire armor division which now includes a Sherman tank, a towed 155 mm howitzer used from World War II through Vietnam as well as armored cars, jeeps and military fire power."
It'll be a busy Memorial Day weekend in NYC. If Manhattan starts to close in on you, take the Long Island Railroad to Farmingdale Station and from there it's a two minute cab ride to Republic Airport and the museum. I was thinking of the museum and Charlie Davidson's B-24 when I remembered a little known CBS movie I saw in 1970.

'Sole Survivor,' written by Guerdon Trueblood, grandson of General Billy Mitchell, is based on the true story of a missing B-24, Lady Be Good and it's crew. This rare film can be seen on You Tube here. The quality is pretty bad but you'll never forget this simple and chilling story of forgotten ghosts and war.

Incredible! That is some of the most unnerving series of diary entries I've ever seen. Could any of us put ourselves in that position and live to tell about it?
Succinct and very chilling.
Is it Lucky Lady, or Lady Be Good?
Makaga- Thanks. It's The Lady Be Good and correction made. I'm getting movie confused with the true story. I understand the movie used a B-25 while Lady Be Good was a B-24. And, movie had a crew of six versus the real life of nine. TMI, but thought you should know.
Thank you for sharing this story with us. I had never heard of it before. It reminds me of Shackelton's trip.
While it's not happening on Memorial Day, are you going to visit the NAAM WW2 weekend event in Reading, PA?
Makaga- I haven't been west of 10th Avenue in two years.
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